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EiTTT Project Background

EiTTT is focused on the development of mainstream schools as inclusive learning environments for all learners, including those with special needs and disabilities; those from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds, and persons with a migrant background.  The promotion of inclusive education is a key element of current EU education policy. However, as experienced educators, the project partners are motivated by an understanding that the effective implementation of this policy in school practice presents a considerable challenge to even the most experienced teachers. Our belief therefore, is that high quality teacher education though vital, is not sufficient to the advancement of inclusion in schools.  With a view to facilitating learning for all in the diverse population of contemporary classrooms, we know that schools themselves must also be enabled to provide support structures that can facilitate teachers’ inclusive practice. In this project consequently, we, as a cross-sectoral group of educators, will present an evidence-based argument in favour of the diversification of available resources to provide for such a whole-system response.  We will exchange learning about what we believe are exemplary inclusive education practices in our respective teacher education institutions and schools, implement new learning arising from this exchange, and disseminate our learning nationally and transnationally to teacher educators, practising teachers, student teachers, school administrators and policy makers.