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Medical Services in Marino Institute of Education.

Fairview Medical Centre provides a range of medical and healthcare services to registered students in Marino Institute of Education. Fairview Medical Centre has a team of doctors and nurses on duty. Services available include illness review and fitness to attend college, phlebotomy, injections, clinical dressings, well woman services, asthma services, etc. Colds and Flu are both viruses and do not generally need a doctor's visit. There is a local pharmacy near the College on Philipsburgh Avenue for over-the counter remedies. 

The Medical Centre is a 10 minute walk from the College and is open from 8am until 5pm, Monday to Friday.

There is an emergency service on Saturday mornings from 8am until 9:30am.

For emergencies after 6pm and weekends please contact DDoc (0818 22 44 76)

For further information on Student Medical Services available please click here


New Patient Registration

Please note MIE students must register with Fairview Medical Centre at least 48 hours in advance of booking their first appointment and must also bring their student ID with them to any appointments.

To register with the Fairview Medical Centre, please complete the New Patient Registration form at this link.


If you require further guidance or support, please do not hesitate to contact your personal tutor (details on student Maestro account) or the Student Counselling Services.