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Welcome to MIE Library!




Welcome! The Library of Marino Institute of Education is housed in St. Patrick's Hall and caters to over 1200 students and staff through the provision of print and online resources and services. You can find out how to use the Library, FAQs, Library policies and contact details on our homepage. You can search for books using our Library Catalogue or try our one-stop search box for print and online resources (MIESearch) in our Quick Links above. 


Things to know before you visit us:


New Staff Member

MIE Reading List Software


The library has recently upgraded its Reading List Management software to a more user-friendly interface. To set up you module's reading list, gather your reading list materials and send them in whatever format you have it. Click on the button below to send your list or email our System Librarian at [email protected]



Benefits for Students

✔️Clear and easy 

✔️ Easy access through Moodle

✔️Direct access to eResources, and link directly to library records






Benefits for Staff 

✔️ List will be set up for you by Library staff

✔️ Time saver

✔️ Template adapted to your course ( weekly, full course essential/supplementary)

✔️add notes

✔️ Add new material at any time including webcontent, 

✔️ Request purchase for your course

✔️Request digitisation

Read more about MIE Reading List Software here.

Best Practice:

Organized Reading List:
Ensure your reading list is well-structured, either by weekly assignments or topics. This structure helps students find materials easily.

Use Annotations Effectively:
Employ annotations when necessary to highlight crucial sections or clarify page numbers. For instance, you can say, "Chapter 2 provides a comprehensive overview of this subject."

Set Clear Expectations:
Define the importance of resources by categorizing them as Essential, Supplementary, or Recommended. This helps students prioritize their study.

Manage Resource Quantity:
Be mindful of the number of resources you include; excessively long lists can overwhelm students. Quality should prevail over quantity. 

According to the 2019 Sage Report, How are Students and Lecturers Using Educational Resources Today, academics, in alignment with student preferences, often utilize short reading lists comprising a limited number of resources. They view these lists as a starting point and anticipate that students will independently explore additional literature through their own research and search skills.

Regularly Review the List:
Periodically assess and update your reading list at least once a year. Remember that books on the list may not automatically update with new editions, so regular checks are necessary.

Deposit your work to MIE institutional repository

MIE Collections in TARA 

In collaboration with TCD Library, MIE Library has set up an institutional repository on TARA - Trinity's Access to Research Archive. This is an open-access platform where staff and research students can publish their work.

TCD have chosen a Green Open Access policy which is also the route specified in the National Principles for Open Access Policy Statement and the route specified by all Irish funding agencies. Publishing open access increases the discoverability of your work, boosting your readership and impact, and increasing citations to your research.

For more reasons why you should consider depositing your research in open access repositories like TARA, see the Benefits of open access below. 

MIE page on TARA 


Benefits of open access

  • More exposure for your work
  • Practitioners can apply your findings
  • Higher citation rates
  • Your research can influence policy
  • The public can access your findings
  • Compliant with grant rules
  • Taxpayers get value for money
  • Researchers in developing countries can see your work

From: An introduction to open access by JISC


Green open access

Green Open Access is achieved by depositing a copy of your work in an Institutional Repository. In Trinity’s case the repository is TARA. Most publishers do not allow authors to deposit the publisher’s pdf. Green Open Access deals with this and complies with most publishers’ copyright policies by asking you to deposit the Author Manuscript also known as the “Accepted Proofs” or “Postprint”. This form of Open Access is free to the author.

This platform represents the perfect opportunity for MIE academic staff to publish and promote their work on an open-access platform which links to their professional association with both MIE and TCD.


How to submit your research

Submitting to the Library

Submitting is easy, but we can't use the publisher's version of an article as this would contravene copyright in most cases. Unless your article was published in an Open Access Journal, we usually ask for a version of your paper that's been through peer-review but hasn't yet been copyedited, typeset or had metadata applied to it by the publisher (the accepted manuscript). You can check the journal policy on Sherpa Romeo. If you're unclear about the policy of the journal you can get in touch with the Library and we can check for you. We are also happy to upload doctoral or research theses, conference papers, book chapters, and other materials to the repository. 

Submit your paper as normal to whichever journal you desire, be it an open-access journal, or a traditional subscription-based journal - try to retain copyright to your work where possible. 

Make sure to keep a final (peer-reviewed) version (the accepted manuscript) which you can submit to the Library (by email), who will undertake copyright checking before uploading it to the MIE page on TARA. We can also link it to the publisher's version if you wish. Alternatively you can upload your research to TARA yourself if you have a TCD login. 

If at any time you need help, get in touch with [email protected] or o[email protected]


Which version of your paper to submit


Research repositories

Increasingly you will find online thesis portals and institutional repositories which provide not only abstracts but full-text versions of doctoral and research theses, as well as journal articles, reviews and monologues. Many of these are open-access and thus free to read - although normal copyright legislation applies. Below you will find links to some of the best national and international portals and a brief explanation of the content within and access rules for each.

TARA  is Trinity's Access to Research Archive or open access repository. Access is restricted only in unavoidable instances, for example where publisher copyright restrictions prevail. However over 90% of scholarly publishers worldwide now allow some version of the documents they publish to be made available in a repository such as this.

RIAN is the collective repository for the seven Irish Univerities and now harvests open access research materials from other major Irish repositories as well. 

DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses. The DART-Europe partners help to provide researchers with a single European Portal for the discovery of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs). Theses submitted to TARA are automatically included in DART-Europe.

Ethos is the British Library's repository for research theses with over 400,000 doctoral theses. Download instantly for your research where full-text has already been made available. If a thesis has not been digitised you can request that it be made full-text for a fee.

Research@THEA is an open-access repository that was established in 2017. It was launched as a service for capturing, storing, preserving and showcasing the research output of all the Institutes of Technology in Ireland, whilst also providing a platform for their researchers/academic staff and students to publish and promote their work.

Digital Extracts Service


About the Digital Extracts Service (DES)

You can request a digitised chapter of a print book or print journal article from our collection for uploading to your Moodle course page. This is a free service available to MIE teaching staff which allows extracts from items to be copied into Moodle for required reading lists and ensures that you comply with copyright. For more information on complying with copyright, please see our library guide here. If the Library does not own a copy of the item in question we may be able to source a copyright fee paid copy through the Enhanced Higher Education Supply System operated by the British Library. 


How it works

Please submit your request in the DES request form about the chapter or article you would like to be scanned. You will need to submit a request for each item. Please note that requests for entire books submitted systematically chapter by chapter will not be fulfilled as only extracts from print books (rather than whole texts) can be uploaded to Moodle. For guidance on copyright allowances, see our dedicated copyright guide.

Library staff check that requested materials are covered by the ICLA HE Licence - if they are not, we will get back to you with available options. Requests for digitisation are checked against the CLA website. The Library maintains a record of requests, and emails you the resulting link to add to Moodle.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us: [email protected]


Submit your request here 

⚠️ Note that EHESS is temporarily unavailable

Interlibrary loans

MIE Library's Interlibrary Loan service can be used when an item you need is not available in our collection. The purpose of Interlibrary Loan is to expand the range of materials available to our research community.


How does it work?

Interlibrary loan (ILL) is an approach whereby libraries work together to supply items to their users. This is done by agreement between the libraries, allowing for sharing of materials from one library to another.

MIE Library can search national public library catalogues and the British Library catalogue on behalf of the requester (student / staff-member) to locate and source items that we don't have in our print or digital collections. The Library can also search Subito (a German library network of 40 participating libraries) for items.


Who can use the ILL Scheme?

Interlibrary loans are permitted for:

  • full-time academic staff

  • postgraduate students

  • 4th year students undertaking a dissertation


What materials can I request?

You can request books, book chapters, journal articles, theses, reports and conference proceedings. You can only borrow 2 physical interlibrary loans at a time.


How long does it take to get here?

The time taken for requests to arrive varies considerably depending on where the item is sourced, from a few days to several weeks. It is not possible to guarantee delivery within a specific timeframe.

If the item requested cannot be obtained for any reason, we will inform you of this.


How do I submit an ILL request?

You can make a request by submitting this form. Check MIESearch to ensure that the item you require is not available in MIE Library in either print or digital format. Please provide accurate and complete bibliographic details for the request.



Terms of use:

Items must be returned on time or a renewal request made a week in advance of due-date. Some lending libraries require that you consult the item in MIE Library - if that is the case we will inform you.

Lost items will be charged at €251.30 to the individual or the department as per the British Library's pricing list. More will be charged if the item is particularly expensive to replace.

Apply for an ISBN

The Library has a list of ISBNs which was purchased by Marino Institute of Education.  These ISBNs can be allocated to an item that a member of staff has published through MIE, once they have filled out an application form which will allow us to register the title with an agency called Nielsen, who then index it on Amazon, etc.


What is an ISBN?

An ISBN is an International Standard Book Number. ISBNs were 10 digits in length up to the end of December 2006, but since 1 January 2007 they now always consist of 13 digits. ISBNs are calculated using a specific mathematical formula and include a check digit to validate the number.

What is an ISBN used for?

An ISBN is essentially a product identifier used by publishers, booksellers, libraries, internet retailers and other supply chain participants for ordering, listing, sales records and stock control purposes. The ISBN identifies the registrant as well as the specific title, edition and format.

What does an ISBN identify?

ISBNs are assigned to text-based monographic publications (i.e. one-off publications rather than journals, newspapers, or other types of serials).

Any book made publicly available, whether for sale or on a gratis basis, can be identified by ISBN.

In addition, individual sections (such as chapters) of books or issues or articles from journals, periodicals or serials that are made available separately may also use the ISBN as an identifier.

With regard to the various media available, it is of no importance in what form the content is documented and distributed; however, each different product form (e.g. paperback, EPUB, .pdf) should be identified separately.

You can find examples of types of qualifying products and more information about the scope of the ISBN here.

ISBNs, the law and copyright

The ISBN is an identifier and does not convey any form of legal or copyright protection. However, in some countries the use of ISBN to identify publications has been made into a legal requirement.

From: https://www.isbn-international.org/content/what-isbn


How to apply for an ISBN

In order to register your title with the agency (so that it is indexed in Amazon etc), we just need some details about the publication. Fill out just page 3 of the form below and send it to us in the Library. We will get back to you as quickly as possible with your new ISBN. Remember when you're planning to publish, the Library will need a week to process your application.

Request Teaching and Learning Materials from the Library


Request purchase form

All Academic staff in Marino Institute of Education can request purchases for MIE Library to ensure there are copies of required textbooks for their courses available. A Librarian will assess your request and determine the appropriate number of copies and format (print or electronic where available). Please fill out this form: 

Uploading to Moodle checklist

Can the work be linked to instead of being uploaded?

Material from library resources should be linked to for the copyright and resource usage reasons. With other material, when in doubt, provide a link rather than uploading the material. 

How much of the document are you using?

Familiarise yourself with the terms of the ICLA licence and what is allowed.

Is the material in copyright? If so

  • Does the copyright come within the terms of the licence (summarised in the ICLA User Guidelines)?
  • Does the proposed extent of copying come within the permitted limits?
  • Is the work on the ICLA Irish Excluded Works List?
  • Is the work on the UK Copyright Licensing Agency's List of Excluded Categories and Excluded Works?
  • If the work is from a United States publisher, is it in the List of participating US publishers?
  • Permission to copy any copyrighted material outside the terms of the licence must be sought directly from the rights-holders concerned.

Have you deleted uploaded material that is no longer needed?

Once a module is completed, uploaded material should be removed; there is no need to keep permanent digital copies of documents.