On 12th September 2024 we were joined by the team from An Taisce's LEAF programme to begin planting our own Choill Beag here on campus. It's the start of a multi-year partnership between LEAF and MIE. Over the next 5 years, in partnership with LEAF, our students will plant, maintain and use our own Choill Bheag for teaching and learning.
Over 60 pupils from Scoil Mhuire second classes joined us in the morning, and helped us to identify the plants and animals we already have on our campus. In the afternoon the first 30 saplings for the new Choill Bheag were planted up, primarily by students from BEd2. Another 20
saplings were added the following week by our BEd4 Space to Grow elective students. Our Choill Bheag is located at the front of St Patrick's Building, and will form a natural hedgerow screen between us and the new apartments. There will be interpretive signage in place soon.
An Choill Beag is a small, dense, biodiverse native woodland habitat, planted on campus by members of the MIE community with the help of LEAF Ireland. Choill Bheags are outdoor living classrooms, with space created for seating for classes to spend time learning outside.
LEAF Ireland work with schools and communities around the country on this educational initiative - and Marino is one of the first third level institutions in Ireland to have our own Choill Beag.