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MIE Tasters and Tours will take place on Saturday, 5 April 2025

If you would like to register your intention to join us. We will contact you when enrolments for the taster classes go live.

Register your interest in attending Taster and Tours


MIE Campus Tour Video 


Check out our video presentations below and find out all you need to know about our degree courses.

Baitsiléir san Oideachas trí Mheán na Gaeilge (Bunmhúinteoireacht)

Professional Master of Education (Primary Teaching) - PME

Bachelor in Science (Education Studies)

Bachelor in Education (Primary)

Bachelor in Science (Early Childhood Education)



Check out this podcast to learn more about MIE


Click here to listen on Spotify

Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts


Click here to check out more information videos on MIE


What is B.Sc. (Education Studies?)

podcast-2665179_640Click here to check out brand new podcasts recorded by some of our new first year B.Sc Education Studies students. What better way to find out about a course than to listen to students currently enrolled on it. These were recorded to give potential new students and insight into What is Education Studies?
