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Alison Egan PhD

alison egan


01 805 7787
St Mary's, Room 99


IT & eLearning Department


Director, IT & eLearning


Alison Egan, PhD is a Director of IT & eLearning since 2008.  Her current research interests are focused on digital literacy; artificial intelligence, technological self-efficacy; national and international digital education policies and technology enhanced learning.  She completed her PhD in 2018 at Trinity College Dublin, by conducting longitudinal research into technological self-efficacy of pre-service teachers during their undergraduate programmes.   

She is Vice-President of the Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA) and Chair of the Consultative Council of Society for IT in Teacher Education (SITE), USA (2023 - 2025).  


PhD (DUB) Education, 2018

MSc (DUB) Technology & Education, 2009

Dip. (DIT) Training & Development, 2000

Dip. (Wales) Legal Studies, 1993

B.A  (NUI) Mode One English, 1992




Publications and other outputs

Editorial Board Membership

The Doctoral Journey in Education,  Book Series, Brill Sense Publishing - International Advisory Board Member https://brill.com/display/serial/DOCJ?contents=about 

Book Chapters 

Hall T.,Ryan M., McMahon J., McGann M., Egan A., Connolly C. (2021) T-REX (Teachers’ Research Exchange): Infrastructuring Teacher Researcher Collaboration Through an Open Educational Ecosystem. In Marcus-Quinn A., Hourigan T. (eds), Handbook for Online Learning Contexts: Digital, Mobile and Open. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-67349-9_21

Egan, A. (2020). Doing a PhD Part-Time, An Irish Perspective. In B.Bradford (Ed.), The Doctoral Journey International Educationalist Perspectives (pp. 70 - 91). Brill Sense Publishers.

Egan, A., Fitzgibbon, A., Johnston, K., & Oldham, E. (2019). Pre-Service Teachers’ Technological Self-Efficacy : An Irish Perspective. In D. Gibson & M. Ochoa (Eds.), Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education 2019 (pp. 149 - 158): Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. http://www.learntechlib.org/p/210591/


Published Articles

Redmond, P., Christensen, R., Trevisan, Ottavia, & Egan, A. (2024). International Collaborative Project Focusing on Technology Integration Experiences of Preservice Teachers Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2024, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. https://www.learntechlib.org/p/224094

Egan, A., Georgeson, J., Revyakina, E., Fernandez Morante, C., Latorre Ruiz, E., & Strasser, T. (2023). EKT: a project exploring the use and impact of a smart technological system to support school placement in five European countries, a final report Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2023, New Orleans, LA, United States. https://www.learntechlib.org/p/222030 

Redmond, P., Dunn, S., Kachikwu, S., Langran, E., & Egan, A. (2023). What is the future of professional development in a changing world of emerging technologies and innovative pedagogies? Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2023, New Orleans, LA, United States. https://www.learntechlib.org/p/221902 

Egan, A., Georgeson, J., Revyakina, E., Strasser, T., Cebreiro Lopez, B., Fernandez Morante, C. & Latorre Ruiz, E. (2022). EKT, a pilot project exploring the use and impact of a smart technological system to support school placement in five European countries. In E. Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 2167-2172). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/221048/

Egan, A., Revyakina, E., Georgeson, J., Cebreiro López, B., Fernández Morante, C., Latorre Ruiz, E. & Strasser, T. (2021). EKT, a trans-national platform to support school placement. In E. Langran & L. Archambault (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 656-661). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/219196/

Connolly, C., Hall, T., Ryan, M., McMahon, J., McGann, M., & Egan, A. (2021). A fusion of research-informed teaching and teaching-informed research : Designing a scalable online ecosystem for new partnerships in educational research. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 82 - 95. https://ajet.org.au/index.php/AJET/article/view/6131

Egan, A. & Gurhy, A. (2020). A sequential explanatory mixed methods study of pre-service teachers’ experiences of and attitudes to coding in Ireland. In Gary H. Marks & Denise Schmidt-Crawford (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 524-529). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).




Egan, A. (2018). Use of Technology by Pre-Service Teachers: A Mixed Methods Study [Doctoral dissertation]. University of Dublin, Trinity College - School of Education. http://www.tara.tcd.ie/handle/2262/82942 


Research Reports

 Egan, A., & Georgeson, J. (2023). Evaluation of Users' Satisfaction & Assessment of the Products Derived from the Project. Output 17. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8026463

Egan, A., & Georgeson, J. (2023). Evaluation on impact of EKT proposal in student´s professional competencies (prospective teachers). Output 18. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8026515

Egan, A. (2020). A review of technology in teaching and learning. Education International. Available from https://issuu.com/educationinternational/docs/2020_ei_research_technologyteaching_eng_final


Conference Contributions


Egan, A. & Georgeson, J. (2022, September 8).  Developing support for teaching placements : A Case Study. [Paper presentation]. British Educational Research Association (BERA).  University of Liverpool UK, September 2022. 

Revyakina, E., Egan, A., Georgeson, J., Morante, C., Strasser, T., Cebreiro, B. (2021, September 17).  The Use of a Trans-National Online Environment designed for School Placement.  [Paper presentation]. European Educational Research Association (ECER), Online Conference.

Revyakina, E., Egan, A., Georgeson, J., Morante, C., Strasser, T., Cebreiro, B. (2021, September 17). The Use of a Trans-National Online Environment designed for School Placement.  [Paper presentation]. ECER Online Conference.

Egan, A. & Gurhy, A. (2020, September 5). A sequential explanatory mixed methods study of pre-service teachers’ experiences of and attitudes to coding in Ireland. [Paper presentation]. Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI), Online Conference.




Enovation AI Podcast - Episode 1 (2023)- Dr Alison Egan https://podcasts.apple.com/ie/podcast/enovation-ai-podcast-episode-1-dr-alison-egan/id1524440548?i=1000606061018

Research/Professional Interests 

Technological self-efficacy

Digital literacy


Digital criticality

Digital competencies

Instructional design and

Technology enhanced learning.

Grants/Funded Projects

Erasmus + Knowledge Alliance - EKT Project 2019 - 2023. Amount of Award 100,000/eur   Website https://ektproject.eu/

European Commission, European Education and Culture Executive Agency, Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances – Dissemination sheets – Projects 2014-2020 / implementation 2014-2024, Publications Office of the European Union, 2022, https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2797/486572

Education International, Brussels 2019 to 2020Research Launch Website and/or  https://www.ei-ie.org/

Education International, Brussels - Commissioned Research ReportA Review of Technology in Teacher Education, October 2020 – Amount of Award 20,000/eur  

National Forum for Teaching & Learning, Funded Project - Teachers' Research Exchange (T-Rex), Amount of Award 10,000/eur -  2018 - 2020. Website https://www.t-rex.ie/

National Forum for Teaching & Learning, Funded Project - GTA Online Learning, 2017, Amount of Award 5,000/eur. Website https://www.teachingandlearning.ie/project/alignment-and-development-of-an-online-programme-for-graduate-teaching-assistants/

National Forum for Teaching & Learning, Funded Project - Digital Skills in Action, 2016, Amount of Award 5,000/eur. Website https://www.teachingandlearning.ie/project/digital-skills-in-action/



 ICT Excellence Award, 2006 - Best use of Open Source Software (Moodle) - Equal Status Online Project.




Chair, Consultative Council, Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) 2024 to 2025 https://site.aace.org/about/site-executive-committee/.

SIG Chair - International Perspectives, Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) 2019 to 2023.

ALT Member - Association for Learning Technology, UK https://openbadgefactory.com/v1/assertion/b253b5a463f271824b53bfe5ac0d53db7e3fe50f


CRITE Research Group (Centre for Research in IT in Education), Trinity College Dublin - Invited Research Associate 2009 to 2020.

Vice President & Treasurer - Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA), Ireland 2012 to date. 

National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education, National Forum Associate 2023.