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Andrea Uí Chianáin PhD



01 853 5125
St Patrick's, Room 37


Department of Policy & Practice


Lecturer in Lifelong Learning

Course Leader of the Professional Diploma in Education (Further Education) 


PhD in Education (Special Education)



Module Code

Module Name


Ed Studies


Adult Education

Module Leader & Lecturer

Ed Studies


Introduction to Ed Psychology

Module Leader & Lecturer

Ed Studies



Module Leader & Lecturer



How Adolescents & Adults Learn

Module Leader & Lecturer



Contemporary Issues in EDU

Module Leader & Lecturer



Publications and other outputs


Book Chapters


Keane, E., Heinz, M. & Lynch, A. (2023). ‘Working class’ student teachers’ constructions of teaching as a powerful role: Encountering deficit-based ‘teacher talk’ during placement. In E. Keane, M. Heinz, & R. McDaid (Eds.), Diversifying the teaching profession: Dimensions, dilemmas and directions for the future (pp. 113-124). Routledge. 


Journal Articles

Lynch, A., Gallagher, B., Horn, C., Bruce, C., & Ivers, B. (2024). ‘Becoming’ and ‘Being’ a teacher in Ireland’s further education and training sector. In R. Moreland (Ed.), The Adult Learner 2024: The Irish Journal of Adult and Community Education, pp. 91-112. AontasTheAdultLearner2024_web.pdf.

Lynch, A. & Davison, K. (2024). Tensions and contradictions: Exploring post-primary teachers' perspectives and experiences of students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 00, 1–11.  https://doi.org/10.1111/1471-3802.12648

Kelly-Blakeney, E., Lynch, A. & Kennedy, P. (2023). “I really loved HE!”: Motivations and experiences of students who progressed to home economics initial teacher edcuation from further education and training. International Journal of Home Economics, 16(1), 21-35. https://search.informit.org/doi/10.3316/informit.311271064085673

Lynch, A. and Davison, K. (2022). Gendered expectations on the recognition of ADHD in young women and educational implications. Irish Educational Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/03323315.2022.2032264

Keane, E., Heinz, M. & Lynch, A. (2022). Factors impacting on the retention of students from under-represented groups in initial teacher education in Ireland. Tertiary Education and Management, 29, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11233-022-09108-5

Murray, C., Lynch, A., Flynn, N. and Davitt, E. (2021). Articulating minority language value in diverse communities: the case of compulsory Irish language education. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 1-15. DOI: 10.1080/15348458.2020.1871354.

Keane, E., Heinz, M., & Lynch, A. (2020). Identity matters? 'Working class' student teachers in Ireland, the desire to be a relatable and inclusive teacher, and sharing the classed self. International Journal of Inclusive Education. DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2020.1853255.

Keane, E., Heinz, M. & Lynch, A. (2019). 'Working-class' student teachers: Not being encouraged at school and impact on motivation to become a teacher. Education Research and Perspectives, 45, 71-97.

Lynch, A. (2016). “Identifying knowledge gaps in ADHD research”, Journal of Childhood & Developmental Disorders, 2(3), 1-3. DOI: 10.4172/2472-1786.100035.

Quinn, M. & Lynch, A. (2016). Is ADHD a ‘real’ disorder? Support for Learning, 31(1), 59-70. DOI: 10.1111/1467-9604.12114.




Lynch, A. (2017). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adolescence: The experiences of young women and second-level teachers in Ireland. [Doctoral Dissertation, University of Galway]. ARAN Research Repository.  https://aran.library.nuigalway.ie/handle/10379/6509


Research Reports

Kiely, J., Haals Brosnan, M., Colum, M., Uí Chianáin, A. & Dunne, C.M. (2024). Child’s Voice: Consulting with children as part of the redevelopment of the Primary School Curriculum. Final Report December 2024. National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA). https://ncca.ie/media/2dyboryp/consultation_with_children_report.pdf

Kiely, J., Haals Brosnan, M., Uí Chianáin, A., Colum, M. & Dunne, C. (2022). Report on the consultation with children on the draft primary curriculum, National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA). 


Conference Contributions


Lynch (Ui Chianáin), A. & Davidson, K. (2024, August 27-30). Tensions and contradictions: Exploring post-primary teachers’ perspectives and experiences of students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). [Paper presentation]. European Educational Research Association (EERA) Conference. University of Cyprus, Nicosia.

Kiely, J., Haals Brosnan, M., Uí Chianáin, A., Dunne, C. & Colum, M. (2022, April 7-9). Consulting with children on the draft primary curriculum: Methodological approach. [Paper presentation]. Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) conference, Dublin.

Research/Professional Interests 

Dr. Uí Chianáin’s research interests include diversity in initial teacher education, social disadvantage in post-primary and higher education, and gender in the context of students with special educational needs.