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Clara Fiorentini



01 853 5172
St Mary's, Room 216


Department of English & Roinn na Gaeilge


Assistant Lecturer in Education (Literacy)


Clara Maria Fiorentini has been lecturing in literacy and early childhood education since 2017. Prior to this, Clara taught for eleven years in an urban, DEIS primary school in Co. Dublin, Ireland. Clara provides CPD for primary teachers and early childhood professionals in the areas of literacy, children's literature, play based learning and school transitions. Clara is currently completing her PhD research in early literacy development and transitions to formal literacy learning at Trinity College Dublin under the supervision of Dr Ann Devitt and Prof. Nóirín Hayes.  


M.A. in Children’s Literature (DCU)

B.Ed. Primary Teaching (DCU)



Module Code

Module Name


B.Sc. ECE3


Early Literacies

Module leader & lecturer



Language 1: English Methods & Competency

Module leader & lecturer



Language 2: English Methods & Competency

Module leader & lecturer



Language, Literacy & Literature

Module leader & lecturer



Language, Literacy & Literature

Module leader & lecturer



Specialism: Creating a culture of Reading in the Primary Classroom

Module leader & lecturer



Publications and other outputs


Ongoing research projects


CoSTaR Project: Communities of Student Teachers as Readers. A research project in collaboration with Dr Geraldine Magennis, St Mary’s University, Belfast & Dr Sharon Pratt, Indiana University Northwest, USA.

Aistear & Your Local Library: A research project in collaboration with DLRLibraries and Creative Ireland.

Tús Maith: North-West Preschool to Primary Transitions Project. A pilot project in collaboration with Donegal, Sligo, Mayo & Carrickonshannon Education Centres, Dr Lisha O’Sullivan, MIC, Fiona Giblin, DCU & Maria Furlong, UU.


Educational Resources


Fiorentini, C.M. (2023). Picturebooks and the Primary Language Curriculum. Online Support Materials for Teachers. NCCA. Dublin.

Mehigan, G., Fiorentini, C.M., O’Sullivan, J. & Cura, M. (2019). Sounds Like Phonics. A multisensory approach to phonics instruction. CJ Fallon, Dublin.


Research Reports


Fiorentini, C.M. (2023). Aistear & Your Local Library: Project Report. DLR Libraries.


Conference Contributions


Bowe, T., Fiorentini, C., O'Sullivan, J., & O'Toole, D. (2023, November 10-11). Reading Achievement in Ireland: What's going well and what still needs attention. [Paper presentation]. Literacy Association of Ireland Conference, Marino Institute of Education, Ireland

Fiorentini, C.M. (2023, May 11-12). CoSTaR: Communities of Student Teachers as Readers. [Paper presentation]. TEAN: Teacher Education Advancement Network. Conference, Manchester, United Kingdon.

Fiorentini, C.M. (2022, July 4-6). Priorities in Preschool Literacy Practice: What first, and why? [Paper presentation]. FELA: 22nd European Conference on Literacy. Dublin.

Fiorentini, C.M. (2022, May 21). Unpacking Priorities for Preschool Literacy Practice. [Paper presentation]. 13th Postgraduate Research Conference. School of Education, Trinity College Dublin.

Fiorentini, C.M. (2021, November 12-13). Ducks, Bears and Caterpillars - oh my! Thwarting a reliance on Tired Texts. [Paper presentation]. Literacy Association of Ireland’s 45th International Conference. Marino Institute of Education, Dublin.




Delaney, S. (2019 - October 19). Programme 373: Clara Fiorentini on Literary and Social Media. (No. 373). [Audio Podcast Episode]. Inside Education. https://insideeducation.podbean.com/e/programme-373-clara-fiorentini-on-literacy-and-social-media-2-10-19/




Newstalk: The Hard Shoulder: The Modern-day classroom needs to be active and playful. August, 25, 2022.

Newstalk: Newstalk Breakfast: The Primary School Curriculum is set for a shake up. March 23, 2023.




Prioritising Play: Strategies for Playful Literacy Development in the Junior Primary Classroom - October 23, 2023. Hosted by West Cork, Cork, Wexford, Kilkenny & Waterford Education Centres.

Reading for Pleasure in the Primary Classroom - October 14, 2023. Hosted by West Cork, Cork, Wexford, Kilkenny & Waterford Education Centres.

The Novel in the Primary Classroom – 28 September, 2023. Hosted by West Cork, Cork, Wexford, Kilkenny, Waterford & Limerick Education Centres.

Engaging Oral Language Instruction in the Primary Classroom - 14th & 21st of September. Hosted by West Cork, Cork, Wexford, Kilkenny, Waterford & Limerick Education Centres.

The Novel in the Primary Classroom - May 4, 2023. Hosted by West Cork, Cork, Kilkenny, Waterford & Wexford Education Centre.

Prioritising Play: Strategies for Playful Literacy Development in the Junior Primary Classroom - 15th May, 7pm -hosted by West Cork Education Centre.

Reading for Pleasure in the Primary Classroom - 24 April, 2023. Hosted by West Cork, Cork, Wexford, Kilkenny & Waterford Education Centres.

Picturebooks and the PLC - April 19, 2023. A webinar in collaboration with the Literacy Association of Ireland & hosted by Navan, Clare & Tralee Education Centres.

Prioritising Play: Strategies for Playful Literacy Development in the Junior Primary Classroom - March 6, 2023. Hosted by Donegal, Carrick & Mayo Education Centres

Engaging Oral Language Instruction in the Primary Classroom - 21st & 27th February, 2023. Hosted by West Cork, Cork, Wexford, Kilkenny, Waterford & Limerick Education Centres.


Online Symposia


The Science of Reading In Ireland: Scarborough's rope and The Primary Language Curriculum - 20th May: 9.30am - 1.30pm (Online)

The Science of Reading in Ireland: 'Caught or taught?' Exploring Evidence-based Spelling Instruction - 2nd September: 9.30am - 1.30pm




Clara runs the popular Irish teaching blog: www.claramariafiorentini.com


Other Outputs


Summer courses


Author & facilitator: Firm Foundations: Building foundations for literacy development.Online Summer Course for Primary Teachers. Marino Institute of Education, July 2023.

Co-author & co-facilitator: Teaching & Learning in the Early Childhood Setting. Online Summer Course for Primary Teachers. Collaboration Dr Sinéad McCauley Lambe. EPV approved. Marino Institute of Education, July 2022, July, 2021, July 2020.

Co-author & co-facilitator: Play, Language & Literacy: A Face to Face summer course for primary teachers. Collaboration with Dr Sinéad McCauley Lambe. Marino Institute of Education, July 4-8, 2022.


School Support


'Phonological Awareness: What, how & why? - Nun's Cross, Co. Wicklow, September 6th, 2023

Engaging Oral Language Instruction. Our Lady of Victories, Ballymun Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 11. November, 2022.


PD Input


Every lesson is a language lesson: Reflecting on Meaningful OL instruction in the primary classroom - An input for the Department of Education Primary Inspectorate (Online) - 18th April.

The Early Literacy Lens: Opportunities for Continuation of Early literacy Practices across the early Years - 15th May, Athlone, Co. Westmeath.

Picturebooks for Reading Comprehension - An Input for the Department of Education Primary Inspectorate, Athlone, Co. Westmeath, July 5th.


Literacy News (Magazine for Literacy Association of Ireland)


Fiorentini, C.M. (2022). Picturebook Wishlist. Literacy News - Winter. 12-13.

Fiorentini, C.M. (2021). Reconnecting with Read Alouds. Literacy News - Spring. 11-12.

Fiorentini, C.M. (2020). Choosing a ‘literacy-rich’ play environment. Literacy News - Autumn. 41-44.

Fiorentini, C.M. (2020). Talkative Transitions: Seizing opportunities for informal conversation in the classroom. Literacy News - Spring. 8-9. 

Research/Professional Interests


Literacy Practices; Early Literacy Development; Science of Reading; Reading Aloud; Children's Literature; School Reading Culture.



Clara has been an executive committee member of the Literacy Association of Ireland since 2019 and is the incoming President of the association for 2023-2024.