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Aimie Brennan PhD



01 805 7717
St Mary's, Room 112


MIE Leadership Team 2023


Dean of Education: Policy, Practice and Society

Senior Lecturer in Education Policy and Research Methods

Course leader for the BSc in Education Studies


Dr Brennan is Dean of Education: Policy, Practice and Society, Principal Lecturer in Education, and course leader of the B.Sc in Education Studies at Marino Institute of Education. With a PhD in Sociology from UCC, Dr Brennan began her career in the field of social research, before pursuing a passion for teacher education where she has supported pre-service teachers from early years to post-primary education. Her research and teaching interests are in the areas of the sociology of education, teacher education policy and education research, and she is currently leading cross-border, longitudinal and collaborative research projects in each of these areas. Dr Brennan is an active member of the higher education community, Secretary of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland, and serving on the Teaching Council Research Engagement Group, and the National Advisory Group for Student Engagement in Higher Education (NStEP). She is also founder and coordinator of the Student Teacher Education Research (STER) project, a student-staff partnership project in Higher Education that publishes a national peer-reviewed e-journal of education student research.


PhD, (NUI) Sociology, 2014

M.A. (NUI), Sociology, 2009

B.A., (NUI), Sociology & Geography, 2008 



Module Code

Module Name


B.Ed. 3


Research Methods

Module leader and lecturer

B.Ed. 4



Module leader and lecturer

BSc in ECE




BSc in ES






Publications and other outputs




Kilbrink, N., Stolare, M & Brennan, A. (Eds.) (2025 Forthcoming) Transformation of knowledge in and on teacher education: policy and practice in times of change. Brill Publishers.

Staunton, D. & Brennan, A. (2024). Brain Health for Learning: What Neuroscience brings to Education. Peter Lang Group. ISBN 978-1- 80374- 105-5.

Murphy, J. & Brennan, A. (2011). NAIRTL Grants Initiative: Evaluation of Impact. National Academy for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning. ISBN 1906642443, pp 1-102.


Book Chapters


Canny, A. & Brennan, A. (2025 forthcoming) Fostering the value of the Foundation Disciplines in Initial Teacher Education Policy: key challenges and opportunities. In Kilbrink et al., Transformation of knowledge in and on teacher education: policy and practice in times of change. Brill Publishers.

Colum, M. & Brennan, A. (2022). Embedding Diversification Practice in Irish Teacher Education Supporting Irish Traveller Student Access and Engagement in ITE. In Handbook of Research on Practices for Advancing Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education. IGI Global. ISBN: 9781799896296, pp.171-187.

Brennan, A. & Canny, A. (2022). The Position of Foundation Studies in Teacher Education: A Policy-Practice Disconnect. In Madalińska-Michalak, J., Flores, A. and Van Nuland, S. (Eds). Teacher Education Policy in Europe: Recruiting and Educating the Best Teachers. ISBN 978-90-04-50665-7, pp. 170-188

Brennan, A. (2021). Reflections on establishing a student-staff partnership in Irish university-based teacher education. In Shagrir, L. and Bar-Tal, S. (Eds). Exploring Professional Development Opportunities for Teacher Educators: Promoting Faculty Student Partnership. Routledge. ATEE Series. ISBN 9780367748913, pp.91-108.

Ring, D., Dunne, C., O'Grady, M., Brennan, A. & Staunton, D. (2013). Uplift to positive mental health University College Cork peer mentor programme. In Rath, V. (ed.). Mind, Body, Spirit: The Holistic Approach to the Student Experience Biennial CSSI Conference Proceedings (pp. 45-53).


Journal Articles


Brennan, A., Quesada-Pallarès, C., Murtonen, M. & Salmento, H. (Forthcoming). Pushing the Boundaries of Learning Research: Innovations and Evidence in Teaching and Learning Research. Special Issue of Frontline Learning Research (Earli journal).

Brennan, A. and Canny, A. (2023). Problematising Irish student-teachers’ (dis)engagement with Sociology of Education in Initial Teacher Education. Teaching and Teacher Education, Volume 130, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2023.104173

Brennan, A. (2021). The important risk-taking of advocating for student partnership practice. International Journal for Students as Partners, 5(1), 8-11. https://doi.org/10.15173/ijsap.v5i1.4554

Brennan, A. (2019). Student Teacher Educational Research (STER): An innovation in Irish Teacher Education. Educational Research and Perspectives: An International Journal, 46(1), 44-75.

Brennan, A. (2018). Review: Jones, K. Education in Britain: 1944 to the Present. International Sociology; Sociology of Knowledge and Education, 33(3), 199-201.

Brennan, A. (2012). Review: Scott, S. Making Sense of Everyday Lifein Irish Journal of Sociology, 18 (1), 121-123. https://doi.org/10.7227/IJS.18.1.7

Brennan, A. (2010). Childhood Surveillance in Ireland. The Boolean –Snapshots of Doctoral Research, 1(1), 13-17.




Brennan, A. (2014). Leisure and Surveillance in Irish Childhood: A Cross Class Study of Cork City. [Doctoral dissertation, University College Cork]. CORA Open Access Repository. https://cora.ucc.ie/items/259dd8b7-2fa6-4413-a258-dd644d572d8c


Educational Resources


Brennan, A. (2022). An Introduction to Ethics in Education Research for Early Career Researchers and Practitioners. SAGE Research Methods Video: Research Ethics and Integrity.  https://methods.sagepub.com/video/an-introduction-to-ethics-in-education-research-for-early-career-researcher

Brennan, A. (2022). Tackling Rigor and Trustworthiness in Qualitative Education Research. SAGE Research Methods Video: Research Ethics and Integrity.  https://methods.sagepub.com/video/srmpromo/Hwv5ck/tackling-rigor-and-trustworthiness-in-qualitative-education-research

Brennan, A. (2022). Student Teacher Educational Research, NStEP Case Study of Student Engagement: Supporting Student-Staff Partnership in Higher Education. https://studentengagement.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Brennan-1.pdf

Brennan, A., Horn, C., Vincente, L., Jonsdottir, K., Pedroso, P., Tuna, A., Hardardottir, K., Spaca, A. (2023). Learners as Co-Creators of their Own Learning: Compendium of Complementary Resources. https://lecole.hi.is/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Complementary-materials-English.pdf

Brennan, A. and Campbell, G. (2020) Framework for reflective practice in initial teacher education. Unpublished Resources designed and delivered for Migrant Teacher Project. Marino Institute of Education.

Brennan, A. (2018). Inclusion, Integration and Interculturality in Education Policy (Early Years to Higher Education). In Cserekyle, E. (2020) Compendium of pedagogical innovations on interculturality, MICEP. https://micep.net/en/about-micep/

Brennan, A. (2014). Peer evaluator training programme. Unpublished resources designed and delivered for family members enrolled in FRIENDS project for family recovery. Funded by Shine and HSE Midwest.


Research Reports and Contributions


Brennan, A. (2024). Preparing Teachers-as-Researchers: a Framework for conceptualising research preparation in ITE. AERA Repository https://aera24-aera.ipostersessions.com/Default.aspx?s=8C-CF-7F-DB-79-E0-85-7F-36-C8-39-5A-3B-F3-B8-DC

Brennan, A. (2022). Student teacher educational research, nstep case study of student engagement: supporting student-staff partnership in higher education. https://studentengagement.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Brennan-1.pdfHEA  

HEA (2021). Steps to Partnership: A framework for authentic student engagement in decision making. national student engagement programme Project Team. https://studentengagement.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/NStEP-Steps-to-Partnership-Doc-3.pdf

Liston, M., Dolan, A., Brennan, A. and Taylor, M. (2019). Review and Research on the impact of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) Schools Programme. Report Compiled for the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, pp. 1-109.

Brennan, A. (2015). An Evaluation of EIL Travel Abroad Programmes. Commissioned and Published by EIL Intercultural Learning Cork, pp. 1-60.

Brennan, A. (2015). FRIENDS project evaluation. Commissioned and published by the FRIENDS project, Limerick and SHINE, Ireland, pp. 1-78. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20735.56486

Brennan, A. and Staunton, D. (2013) Uplift to positive mental wellbeing; an evaluation of the UCC peer mentor programme. Unpublished report commissioned by Disability Support Service, UCC, pp.1-41.

Brennan, A. (2013). Evaluation of the NICHE Speech & Language Pilot Programme (NSLPP). Unpublished report commissioned by NICHE Community Health Initiative, pp.1-76.

Brennan, A. (2012). Pathways to Education Research; Analysis of mature student survey data 2009 –2011. Published by University College Cork, Pathways to Education Programme, pp.1-19.

Brennan, A. and Staunton, D. (2012) Evaluation of the UCC Uplift to Mental Health Programme. Unpublished report commissioned by Disability Support Service, UCC, pp.1-20.

Brennan, A. (2011). Exploring the Transitional Learning Outcomes of EIL Travel Awards. Unpublished report commissioned by The Federation of EIL, Cork, pp.1-65.

Brennan, A. and Staunton, D. (2011) Evaluating the UCC Peer Mentor Project for Students with Mental Health Difficulties. Report commissioned by Disability Support Service, UCC, pp.1-31.

Bent, M. and Brennan, A. (2011). Gateway to sUCCess: The Destination of UCC PLUS+ Graduates. Cork: UCC PLUS+, pp. 1-56. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32479.61608

Brennan, A. (2011). Maximising Impact –An Overview of the UCC Access Service. Funded by UCC under the Strategic Innovation Fund. Published by the Access Office, UCC. pp.1-30.

Twomey, O., Amberson, J. and Brennan, A. (2010). Students with Disabilities Tracking Report -2005 intake; an analysis of their progression, retention and success through Higher Education Institutions. Published by Pathways to Education: a Joint Access Initiative of UCC and CIT, pp.1-54 pages


Conference Presentations – International


Brennan, A. (2024, October 2). Policy and Pedagogies: Sociology in Initial Teacher Education (ITE). British Sociological Association Seminar Series, [Seminar Presentation]. Pedagogies of Hope. University of Leeds, UK (Online).

Brennan, A. (2024, September 25-27). Student Teacher Researchers: Developing students’ and peers’ work evaluation and improvement [Paper in a Symposium]. Symposium “Research learning and teaching: higher education experiences to improve students’ research skills’. The European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Utrecht, Netherlands.

Brennan, A. (2024, September 3). Brain health for learning: what neuroscience brings to education [Seminar Presentation]. The Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA), the Brain Capital Alliance and the Neuro-Policy Program of Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy seminar series, online.

Brennan, A. (2024, April 11-14). Preparing Teachers-as-Researchers: a framework for conceptualizing research preparation in initial teacher education. [Paper in a Symposium]. The American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA.

Brennan, A. (2024, March 20-22). Towards a Continuum of Research Competency in Initial Teacher Education. [Paper Presentation]. The 18th annual Teacher Education Policy in Europe (TEPE) Conference, Aix-Marseille University in Aix-en-Provence, France.

Brennan, A. (2023, August 22-26). Research-based teacher education: a framework for research competency in initial teacher education. [Paper presentation]. 20th Biennial Conference European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

Brennan, A. (2023, June 19). Creating a Student Research Community: Piloting STER in New Contexts. Workshop with Faculty of Education, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain.

Brennan, A. (2023, March 17). Creating a Student Research Community: Piloting STER in New Contexts. [Invited Workshop]. Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich, PHZH, Zurich University, Switzerland.

Brennan, A. (2022, November 15). Optimising and Marketing Educational Resources using Anchor and Canva. LeCoLe Project Meeting, Office of the Directorate-General for Education. Lisbon, Portugal.

Brennan, A. (2023, May 8-10). Fostering deeper engagement with sociology of education in initial teacher education. [Paper presentation]. Teacher Education Policy in Europe Conference, Karlstad University, Sweden.

Brennan, A., Connolly, C., and Hagan, M. (2022, April 11-13). Exploring the development of research literacy amongst student teachers in Ireland. [Paper presentation]. Teacher Education Policy in Europe (TEPE) Conference, University of Graz, Austria.

Hagan, M. Brennan, A. and Connolly, C. (2022, May 5-6). Determining Student Teachers’ Engagement with Educational Research to Enhance Professional Learning and Practice. [Paper presentation]. Teacher Education Advancement Network (TEAN) conference, University of Manchester, Online.

Brennan, A., Connolly, C., Hagan, M. and Choistealbha (2022, April 7-8). Student Teachers' Engagement with and in Education Research to Enhance Professional Practice. [Paper presentation]. Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) annual conference, Online.

Brennan, A. and Macken, S. (2021, November 23). Does equal responsibility frighten partners away? Negotiating roles and responsibilities in student-staff partnerships. National Students as Partners Roundtable, University of Western Sydney, online.

Brennan, A. (2020, August 24-28). Working with Student Teachers on the development of an Educational Research Journal. National Students as Partners Virtual Roundtable. Deakin University, Victoria Australia.

Brennan, A. (2020, May 13-15). A question of ethics; ethical responsibility in teacher-research policy and practice. [Paper presentation]. Teacher Education Policy in Europe Conference, University of Helsinki, Online.

Brennan, A. (2020, August 24-28). Working with Student Teachers on the development of an Educational Research Journal [Paper presentation]. National Students as Partners Virtual Roundtable, Deakin University, Victoria Australia.

Brennan, A. (2020, May 13-15). A question of ethics; ethical responsibility in teacher-research policy and practice [Paper presentation]. Teacher Education Policy in Europe Conference, online (originally scheduled at University of Helsinki).

Brennan, A., & Reilly, C. (2020, February 18). Communicating Research to a non-specialist audience using podcasting. [Paper presentation]. Workshop presented at the Pedagogy and Social Education in Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Virtual.

Brennan, A. (2019, September 10-12). Research Dissemination as a Method for Enhancing Peer Learning in Teacher Education. [Paper presentation]. British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, University of Manchester, UK.

Brennan, A. (2020, April 17-21). Partnership in teacher research education: STER as a catalyst for engagement, collaboration and public good. ESAI Symposium, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA. (Cancelled due to COVID-I9).

Brennan, A. and Canny, A. (2019, May 17-19). Strengthening teacher education; bridging the divide between Foundation disciplines and pedagogical subject knowledge in ITE. [Paper presentation]. Teacher Education Policy in Europe Conference, University of Krakow, Poland.

Brennan, A. (2018, July 10-12). Reproducing the class habitus in urban Irish childhood – A case against resistance. [Paper presentation]. Bourdieu Study Group 2nd Biennial International Conference, Lancaster University, UK.

Brennan, A. (2018, July 10-12). Nurturing the distinctive body –an exploration of agency and docility in affluent children. [Paper presentation]. Bourdieu Study Group 2nd Biennial International Conference, Lancaster University, UK

Brennan, A. and Canny, A. (2018, May 17-19). Problematising the policy-practice disconnect: engaging student teachers in the foundation studies in Ireland. [Paper presentation]. Teacher Education Policy in Europe Conference, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal.

Brennan, A. (2012, September 4-7). Socio-Economic Distinctions in Child Surveillance. [Paper presentation]. Children, Young People and Adults: Extending the Conversation, University of Central Lancashire, UK.


Conference Presentations – National


Canny, A. and Brennan, A. (2023, June 8-9). The 'trouble' with sociology of education - Initial teacher education student engagement with sociology of education within their programme - dilemmas and opportunities. [Paper presentation]. Sociological Association of Ireland, 50th Annual Conference, University College Dublin.

Brennan, A. and Reilly, C. (2022). Embedding partnership in student research development to effect system change. [Paper presentation]. QQI 10th Anniversary Conference: Strengthening Strategic Partnerships. Dublin, Ireland.

Brennan, A. and Canny, A. (2022, March 22). Sociology in Schools Conference, Marino Institute of Education, Dublin.

Brennan, A., Connolly, C., and Hagan, M. (2022, April 7-8). Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) annual conference, Online

Brennan, A. (2021, November 12). Student Staff Partnership as Professional Development in Higher Education. VIT&L Week: Valuing Ireland’s Teaching and Learning. Hosted by National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, Online.

Brennan, A., Moran, L., Browne, M., McSweeney, G., Lyne, K, (2021, May 8). Invited Round Table: Sociology in Post Primary Education –Challenges and Opportunities, Sociological Association of Ireland Annual Conference, Online.

Brennan, A., & Canny, A. (2021, March 26). “I would rather more work on teaching phonics” –an exploration of the struggles facing teacher educators in the Sociology of Education [Paper presentation]. Education Studies Association of Ireland Conference, online.

O’Brien, J., Brennan, A., & Byrne, L. (2021, February 23). Pedagogy of Social Science to Professional Practice [Paper presentation]. Workshop presented at the Analysing Social Change Research Group, Waterford Institute of Technology, online.

Brennan, A. (2019, April 11-13). Enhancing Student Engagement in Educational Research -An Introduction to the STER Initiative. [Paper presentation]. Education Studies Association of Ireland. St Angela’s College, Sligo.

Brennan, A. and Canny, A. (2019, May 10-11). Exploring Student Engagement with Sociology in Initial Teacher Education. [Paper presentation]. Sociological Association of Ireland Annual Conference. School of Political Science and Sociology, NUI Galway.

Brennan, A. (2019, June 18-20). Implementing and supporting Higher Education policy on student engagement in initial teacher education. [Paper presentation]. Policy and Leadership Summer School. Mary Immaculate College.

Guilfoyle, L., Brennan, A., O’Sullivan, B., McGroarty, M. (2019, September 28). Teachers Engagement in and with Research. [Poster presentation]. FÉILTE. NUI Galway.

Brennan, A. (2018, November 20) Enhancing Student Engagement in Education Research using a Student-Led Approach to Dissemination. [Paper presentation]. Higher Education Authority (HEA) and Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) conference ‘Best Practice in Student-Centred Approaches in Education and Training’. Printworks, Dublin Castle, Dublin.

Brennan, A. and Burke, P. (2018, April 5-8). Valuing school-based research: governance and decision-making in Irish gatekeeping. [Paper presentation]. Educational Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference (ESAI) University College Dublin.

Brennan, A. (2011, May 6-8). The Social Construction of Childhood in Ireland. [Paper presentation]. The Sociological Association of Ireland, 38th Annual Conference University College Cork.

Brennan, A. (2011, March 14). The Power of Connecting –Collaboration in HE Teaching and Learning, ‘In at the Deep End –Learning to Teach in Higher Education’ Symposium. University College Cork.

Brennan, A. (2010, May 7-9). Child Surveillance in Ireland. [Paper presentation]. The Sociological Association of Ireland,37th Annual Conference, Queens University, Belfast.

Brennan, A. (2010, December 10). The surveillance of middle-class children. [Paper presentation]. ISS21 Children and Young People Cluster Conference, University College Cork.


Workshops and Seminars


Brennan, A. (2023, June 19). Creating a Student Research Community: Piloting STER in New Contexts. Workshop with Faculty of Education. Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain.

Brennan, A. (2023, March 17). Creating a Student Research Community: Piloting STERin New Contexts. Invited Workshop with Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich. PHZH, Zurich University, Switzerland.

Brennan, A. and Campbell, G. (2023, March 28). Being a Reflective Professional. Workshop for the Migrant Teacher Bridging Programme, Online.

Brennan, A. (2022, November 15). Optimising and Marketing Educational Resources using Anchor and Canva. LeCoLe Project Meeting, Office of the Directorate-General for Education. Lisbon, Portugal.

Brennan, A. and Horn, C. (2021, October 28). Creating Podcasts on Co-Creation. Workshop with international partners on the LeCoLe project. University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland.

Brennan, A. (2021, August 30). Invited Panel Member, the National Student Engagement Programme (NStEP) and the Journal of the All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE) professional development workshop for co-edited journal, online.

Brennan, A. (2021). Working with Data: PolSoc Citizenship Projects and Leaving Certificate Data-Based Questions, invited webinar with the Politics and Society Teachers Association of Ireland (PASTAI). 20 October, online.

Shearman, J. and Brennan, A. (2020 and 2021). Being a Research Informed Practitioner, workshop for the Virtual International Winter School, National Forum, VIT&L Week.10 November, online.

Brennan, A. And Reilly, C. (2021, February 18). Communicating Research to a non-specialist audience using podcasting. Workshop for Pedagogy and Social Education in Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, online.

Brennan, A. (2021, February 16) Using Participatory Action Research to Empower Marginalised Voices. Sociological Association of Ireland, Postgraduate Seminar Series, Online.

Brennan, A. (2020-2023).How to turn your dissertation into a research article. Workshops for STER participants. Bi-monthly webinar, online.

Brennan, A. (2019).Enhancing Student Engagement in Higher Education: A Case Study, Interdisciplinary Research Group (IRG).Mary Immaculate College, Thurles. 5 March.

Hamilton, M., Smith, E. and Brennan, A. (2018, October 5) Evidence-Based Portfolio Development. Workshop at FÉILTE Teaching Council’s annual Festival of Education in Learning and Teaching Excellence. Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.

Brennan, A. (2018, February 23) Early Years Policy in Ireland. Workshop with visiting professors from QMUC, Trondheim, Norway. Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.

Brennan, A. (2018, May 1) Student Teacher Educational Research Showcase, Sahlberg II visit. Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.

Brennan, A. (2018, January 17). Student Research Ethics Training programme for Education Office Staff, Faculty of Education. Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.

Brennan, A. (2017, December 14) Education Policy in Ireland: An Introduction to Primary Education. Presentation to visiting postgraduate students and professors from University of Paris, Est Créteil.




Brennan, A., Horn, C., Vincente, L., Jonsdottir, K., Pedroso, P., Tuna, A., Hardardottir, K., Spaca, A. (2023). Learners as Co-Creators of their Own Learning Podcast Series. Available on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3i7gaXoxnGm7fF9JLBsrp6?si=a1422c32881a4f7f

Brennan, A. (2021, 2022) Student Teacher Educational Research (STER) Podcast Series. Available on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3P4zG1t09UBHqUJRrAvC7q

Brennan, A. (2021). Interview by Ní Dhuinn, M. Challenges for Teacher Educators within the Sociology of Education modules. Let’s Talk about Sociology of Education Podcast Series. July. https://audioboom.com/channels/5047940

Brennan, A. (2022) Interview by O’Brien, J. The Pedagogy of Sociology in Professional Practice. Irish Society -a Podcast of the Sociological Association of Ireland. [Recorded 22 January 2021].




Brennan, A. (2022, July). An Introduction to Ethics in Education Research for Early Career Researchers and Practitioners. SAGE Research Methods Video: Research Ethics and Integrity. Available from: https://methods.sagepub.com/video/an-introduction-to-ethics-in-education-research-for-early-career-researcher

Brennan, A. (2022, July). Tackling Rigor and Trustworthiness in Qualitative Education Research. SAGE Research Methods Video: Research Ethics and Integrity. Available from: https://methods.sagepub.com/video/srmpromo/Hwv5ck/tackling-rigor-and-trustworthiness-in-qualitative-education-research

Brennan, A. (2021, October 20). Working with Data: PolSoc Citizenship Projects and Leaving Certificate Data-Based Questions, invited webinar with the Politics and Society Teachers Association of Ireland (PASTAI), online.




Brennan, A. (2015). Dataset and preliminary analysis of the Irish National Perspective on Intercultural Competence, published in Fantini, A. (2018). Intercultural Communicative Competence in Educational Exchange: A Multinational Perspective. Routledge.


Research/Professional Interests


Sociology of Education, Initial Teacher Education, Student Teacher Research Literacy


Professional Activities




  • External Examiner
  • Doctoral Supervision




Student Teacher Educational Research eJournal. 2021. Vol 4, p. 1-150. Available OA from: http://www.ster.ie/journal.html ISSN 2712-0201  

Student Teacher Educational Research eJournal. 2020. Vol 3, p. 1-84. Available OA from: http://www.ster.ie/journal.html ISSN 2712-0201 

Student Teacher Educational Research eJournal. 2019. Vol 2, p. 1-77. Available OA from: http://www.ster.ie/journal.html ISSN 2712-0201 

Student Teacher Educational Research eJournal. 2018. Vol 1, p. 1-23. Available OA from: http://www.ster.ie/journal.html ISSN 2712-0201 


Other national and International Roles


  • Coordinator, Student Teacher Educational Research (STER)
  • Secretary, Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI)
  • Schools Officer, Sociological Association of Ireland (SAI)
  • Executive Board, Teacher Education Policy in Europe (TEPE)
  • Advisory Board, National Student Engagement Programme (NStEP)



  • Brennan, A., Moran, L. and O’Brien, J. (2022). Sociology in Schools inaugural Conference. International Perspectives Learning from Shared Insights, 26 March 2022. National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning
  • Brennan, A., Connelly, C. (2021). Determining Student Teachers’ Engagement with, and application of, Educational Research to Enhance Professional Practice in two North and South Teacher Education Institutions [REEPP-NS]. SCoTENS
  • Brennan, A.& Horn, C.(2020) LeCoLE: Learners as Co-creators of Their Own Learning. Lead: National Centre for Education in Latvia. Partners: University of Iceland; Ministry of Ed Portugal.
  • Liston, M., Dolan, A., & Brennan, A. (2019). Qualitative Evaluation of the SEAI Education Programme (Public Tender). Sustainable Energy Association of Ireland (SEAI).
  • Brennan, A. (2019-2021. Application to Establish a new Study Group called Pedagogy of Sociology in Professional Practice. Sociological Association of Ireland
  • Brennan, A. and Donnelly, V. (2019). Training workshop & evaluation on the use of Persona Dolls as a methodological tool for addressing intercultural diversity in EY. Irish Aid
  • Brennan, A. & Canny, A. (2018-2019). A longitudinal exploration of the Position of Sociology in Initial Teacher Education. Research School (RGSO), MIC
  • DePaor, C.& Brennan, A Mainstreaming Intercultural Competencies into Education Projects (MICEP).Partners: Eotvos Loránd University, Hungary; Élan interculturel, France; Université Paris Est Créteil, France; and Artemisszió Foundation, Hungary
  • Brennan, A. (2015). Evaluation of FRIENDS project for families of people with mental health difficulties. (Public Tender). Shine, HSE Midwest & GENIO
  • Brennan, A. (2013). Evaluation of the NICHE Speech and Language Pilot Programme, Knocknaheeny. (Public Tender) NICHE Community Health Initiative
  • Brennan, A. (2012) Examining the Transnational Learning Outcomes of the EIL Study Abroad Programme. EIL Cork
  • Brennan, A. (2011). Policy Analysis of the National Teaching Awards in HE. NAIRTL


Doctoral Scholarship (2009). School of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Science. University College Cork.


  • Secretary, Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI)
  • Schools Officer, Sociological Association of Ireland (SAI)
  • Executive Board, Teacher Education Policy in Europe (TEPE)
  • Advisory Board, National Student Engagement Programme (NStEP)
  • MIE Associate, National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
  • Academic Representative, Teaching Council Research Engagement Group (REG)
  • SIG Member, Evidence-Informed Educational Policy and Practice (ESAI)
  • SIG Member, Methods in Learning Research, EARLI
  • Ordinary Member, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)
  • Ordinary Member, International Congress for School Effectiveness (ICSEI)