Department of Inclusion, RE and Student Life
Dr Aiveen Mullally is course leader for the MES in Leadership of Christian Schools Online and Director for the Centre for Religious Education. She lectures in Religious Education and Spirituality of the Child. Her research interests are in the voice of children regarding religious education; teacher identity and religious education; religious diversity and belief diversity.
Lecturer in Religious Education
Course Leader for Masters in Education Studies: Christian School Leadership Online
Director of Centre for Religious Education
Moderator of Edmund Rice Education Beyond Borders (EREBB) Online Leadership Programme
Doctorate in Education (Dublin City University)
M.A. in Religion and Culture (Dublin City University)
Bachelor of Religious Science (Mater Dei / NUI Maynooth)
Bachelor of Science in Psychotherapy and Counselling (Middlesex University)
Programme | Module Code | Module Name | Role |
B.Sc. ECE | EC8304 | The Inner Landscape of the Child | Module leader and lecturer |
B.Sc ES | ES8THE | Transitioning to Higher Education | Module leader and lecturer |
BEd | N/A | Religious Education in Catholic Schools Certificate | Module leader and lecturer
BEd | N/A | Multi-Belief, Ethical & Values Curricula Certificate | Module leader and lecturer |
PME | N/A | Multi-Belief, Ethical & Values Curricula Certificate | Module leader and lecturer |
MES Christian School Leadership | N/A | Leadership and Spirituality Leading a Christian School | Module leader and lecturer |
MES Intercultural Learning and Leadership | IC9103 | Religious Diversity and Intercultural Education | Module leader and lecturer |
Publications and other outputs
Book Chapters
Mullally, A. (2023). ‘Reaching Out: Inter-religious Dialogue, Inclusion and Diversity’. In D. Robinson (Ed.) Living Ethos: Exploring the Heart and Practice of Catholic School Ethos. Dominican Publications. [Pending].
Mullally, A. (2021). 'Why are Catholic Schools Afraid to be Catholic Schools?': Challenges to Leaders of Catholic Secondary Schools. In G. Byrne & S. Whittle, (Eds.) Catholic Education: A Lifelong Journey. Veritas.
Journal Articles
Mullally, A. & Kieran, P. (2023). Belief Fluidity in Ireland’s Changing Primary School Context. Ireland’s Education Yearbook 2023. Education Matters.
Kieran, P. & Mullally, A. (2022). Blending Catholicism with Chi, Chakras and Crystals: Research on the Lived Reality of Catholicism Among Pre-Service Postgraduate Student Teachers in Catholic Third-Level Colleges in the ROI. Journal of Ecclesiology and Ethnography, 9, 47 - 68.
Malone, T., O’Toole, B. & Mullally, A. (2021). The ‘Family Project’: Investigating Multi-Belief Peer Learning in Two Irish Primary Schools, British Journal of Religious Education, 43(4), 376-388.
Kieran, P. & Mullally, A. (2021). Beyond Belief? Pre-Service Teachers' Perspectives on Teaching RE in Ireland. Journal of Religious Education, 69, 423 - 437.
Kieran, P. & Mullally, A. (2020). ‘The New Nones’: Implications of Ticking the ‘No Religion’ Census Box for Educators in Ireland. The Furrow: A Journal for the Contemporary Church, 71(7/8), 387-395.
Kieran, P. & Mullally, A. (2020). Covid-19: a Watershed for the Catholic Church. Doctrine and Life: A Religious Life Review, 70(7), September 2020.
Flanagan, B., Nelson, J. & Mullally, A. (2012). Spiritual Education: A Teacher Development Initiative. Journal for the Study of Spirituality, 2(1), 61-76. 10.1558/jss.v2i1.61.
Mullally, A. (2018).“We are Inclusive but are we being Equal?”: Challenges to Community National Schools Regarding Religious Diversity. [Doctoral dissertation, Dublin City University]. DORAS DCU online Research Access Service
Educational Resources
Colum, M., Haals Brosnan, M., Mullally, A., Brown, S. & O'Toole, B. (2023). Supporting Inclusion and Diversity in Teaching: A Handbook for Teachers. Erasmus.
Mullally, A. (2019). Guidelines on the Inclusion of Students of Different Beliefs in Catholic Secondary Schools, 2nd Edition. JMB.
Uí Choistealbha, J., Mullally, A., & McMorrough, A. (2018). Moving from a Focus on the Student to a Focus on the Teacher. In I. Kunnari (Ed.) Higher Education Perspectives on ePortfolios. HAMK Unlimited.
Mullally, A. (2010). Guidelines on the Inclusion of Students of Other Faiths in Catholic Secondary Schools, 1st Edition. JMB.
Mullally, A. (2006). Gender and Religion: Textbook for Leaving Certificate Religious Education, Veritas.
Conference Contributions
Mullally, A. & Kieran, P. (2023, October 19-20). From Catholicism to Chi, Chakras and Crystals: Belief Fluidity among ITE Students in Ireland’s Changing Catholic Primary Context [Keynote presentation]. Network for Researchers in Catholic Education Conference: Fluidly Faithful? Catholic Education and the Institutional Church. Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.
Harmon, M., O’Farrell, C., Mullally, A. & Wilkinson, J. (2023, October 19-20). Religious Education in Irish Primary Schools: The Voice of the Child. [Paper presentation]. Network for Researchers in Catholic Education Conference: Fluidly Faithful? Catholic Education and the Institutional Church. Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.
Mullally, A. & Kieran, P. (2023, May 12). ‘I don’t really know what to believe’: Belief Fluidity among ITE students in Catholic Colleges, in the ROI. [Paper Presentation]. Network for Researchers in Catholic Education Conference: Female Voices in Catholic Education. London.
Mullally, A. (2023, February 8) Supporting Inclusion and Diversity in Teaching: The Handbook. ERASMUS+ Conference: Culturally Responsive Teaching. [Paper presentation]. Marino Institute of Education, Dublin.
Mullally, A. (2022, May 25-27). Belief Fluidity: Research on the relationship between belief identity and professional practice among pre-service postgraduate student teachers in Catholic colleges in the Republic of Ireland. [Paper presentation]. Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) Spring Conference, Teacher Education in Practice: Foresight and Hindsight, Marino Institute of Education, Dublin.
Mullally, A. and Kieran, P. (2021, September 6-10). Beyond Belief? Social and Educational Expectations Placed on Belief Diverse Initial Teacher Education Students in the Republic of Ireland. [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Educational Research (EERA), Geneva [online].
Mullally, A. and Kieran, P. (2021, June 7-8). Spiritual Fluidity: Pre-Service Teachers' Perspectives on Spirituality and Belief in Ireland. [Paper presentation]. International Network for the Study of Spirituality Conference: Spirituality in Research, Professional Practice and Education. York St John University [Online].
Mullally, A. and Kieran, P. (2021, June 22). From Catholicism to Chi, Chakras and Crystals: Belief Plasticity Among Students in the Republic of Ireland. [Paper presentation]. 'Researching RE: Changing Times for Religious Education' Conference, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK.
Mullally, A. and Kieran, P. (2021, March 25-26). Belief Fluidity and Making Connections in the Classroom: Research on Religious Identity among Pre-Service Postgraduate Student Teachers in Catholic Colleges in the Republic of Ireland. [Paper presentation]. ESAI Conference ‘Possibilities in Education: Re-Imagining Connections with People, Purpose and Place’ Marino Institute of Education [Online].
Mullally, A. (2020, September 3-5) Supporting Students in the Transition to Higher Education. [Paper presentation]. ESAI Conference, Opening Up Education: Options, Obstacles and Opportunities, Dublin City University [Online].
Mullally, A. and Kieran, P. (2020, November 23-34). Belief Fluidity: Research on the Lived Reality of Catholicism among Pre-Service Postgraduate Student Teachers in Catholic Colleges in the Republic of Ireland. [Paper presentation]. Lived Catholicism(s): New Questions and Untold Stories Conference, Durham University [Online].
Mullally, A. (2019, October 17-18). Why are Catholic Schools Afraid to be Catholic Schools?: Challenges to Leaders of Catholic Secondary Schools in Ireland. [Paper presentation]. Network for Researchers in Catholic Education Annual Conference, Dublin City University.
Mullally, A. (2018, May 2-4). Research Findings on Challenges to Leaders of Catholic Secondary Schools Regarding Religious Diversity: Towards New Guidelines. [Plenary Keynote Address]. JMB/AMCSS Annual Leadership Conference, Galway.
Mullally, A. and Fitzmaurice, M. (2018). Supporting Students in the Transition to Higher Education. [Paper presentation]. ‘Are We Ready?’ Seminar, National Forum for Teaching and Learning, Marino Institute of Education, Dublin.
Mullally, A. (2017, September 14). Diversity: Enrolment and Inclusion. [Paper presentation]. New Challenges and Opportunities: JMB Education Conference ‘Faith in Our Schools’, Croke Park, Dublin.
Mullally, A. (2015, November 12-13). Best Practice Guidelines on Inclusion and Diversity in Publicly-Managed Schools. [Paper presentation]. John Marcus O Sullivan Conference: Religion, Diversity and Publicly-Managed Schools: ETBI, Naas, Co. Kildare.
Mullally, A. (2010, June 22-23). Fostering Spirituality in Religiously Diverse Classrooms. [Paper presentation]. Changing Boundaries: Spirituality and Education International Conference, Dublin City University.
Online Courses / Media
2017 – present: Designer and Moderator of the Edmund Rice Education Beyond Borders (EREBB) Online Leadership Course. Marino Institute of Education
2012 – 2013: Creator of Online Summer Course for Teachers on World Religions in the Classroom. MIE/INTO
2001 – 2003: Co-Coordinator of Logos Project: an in-career eLearning development project for teachers of the RE Junior Cycle Syllabus. Mater Dei Institute of Education/NCCA.
Research/Professional Interests
Teacher Identity and Religious Education; Belief Fluidity; The Voice of the Child in RE; Religious Diversity in Catholic Education
Professional Activities
2014 – 2015: Curriculum Writer for Goodness Me Goodness You Multi-Belief and Values Curriculum for Community National Schools (Secondment). NCCA
2016- 2018: ERASMUS+ ‘Empowering ePortfolio Processes’ .
2020 – 2023: ERASMUS+ ‘Supporting Inclusion and Diversity in Teaching’ [SiDiT]