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Colleen Horn DEd



01 805 7758
St Mary's, Room 217


Department of Policy and Practice


Lecturer in Education

Coordinator Education Studies Work Placement

School Placement Team 


Doctorate in Education, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.

Masters in Inclusive Education, Roehampton University, UK.

Dip. in Education Studies (Literacy), University College Dublin, Ireland.

Dip. in Business Studies (Finance), National University of Ireland, Galway.

B.S. in Elementary Education and Humanities (Specialization: Teaching Reading), Lesley University, Cambridge, MA, USA.



Module Code

Module Name





Professional Studies B.Ed 1




Professional Studies PME 1




Work Placement 1

Module leader and lecturer



Work Placement 2

Module leader and lecturer



Work Placement 3

Module leader and lecturer



Special Education 2




Publications and other outputs


Edited Books


Vernikoff, L., Schram, T., Reagan, E. M., Horn, C., Goodwin, A. L., & Couse, L. J. (2019). Beyond Urban or Rural: Field-Based Experiences for Teaching Residencies in Diverse Contexts. In T. Hodges & A. Baum (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Field-Based Teacher Education (pp. 256-279). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-6249-8.ch011


Chapter in an Edited Book


Pedrak, Agnieszka & Horn, Colleen. (2024). Changing Landscapes. Heritage Language Education in Ireland. In Karpava, s. (Ed.) Family and School Involvement in Multilingual Education and Heritage Language Development. Brill, pp. 195-220. 10.1163/9789004702325_010


Journal Articles


Lynch, A., Gallagher, B., Horn, C., Bruce, C., & Ivers, B. (2024). ‘Becoming’ and ‘Being’ a teacher in Ireland’s further education and training sector. In R. Moreland (Ed.), The Adult Learner 2024: The Irish Journal of Adult and Community Education, pp. 91-112. AontasTheAdultLearner2024_web.pdf

Lynch, A., Haals-Brosnan, M., McCauley-Lambe, S., Colum, M., Farrelly, M., Horn, C., Mc Daid, R., Minnock, M., Ní Dhuinn, M. & Ó Laighin, F. (2023). Placement during a pandemic? Exploring the experiences & perspectives of students completing educational placement during the COVID-19 pandemic. All Ireland Journal of Higher Education, 15(2).

Vernikoff, L., Goodwin, A. L., Horn, C., & Akin, S. (2022). Urban Residents’ Place-Based Funds of Knowledge: An Untapped Resource in Urban Teacher Residencies. Urban Education, 57(1), 32-57. https://doi.org/10.1177/0042085918801887




Horn, C. (2014). Perspectives on English Language Learners’ Culture and Identity Development in Ireland. [Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation]. Trinity College, Dublin.

Horn, C. (2007). The English Language Provision in Three Irish National Schools. [Unpublished Masters Dissertation]. Roehampton University, London.

Horn, C. (2005) Disparities in Education: Academic Skills, Disciplines and Resources. [Unpublished Higher Diploma in Education Dissertation]. University College, Dublin.

Horn, C. (2002) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in Higher Education Settings. [Unpublished Higher Diploma in Business Studies]. University of Ireland, Galway.


Conference Contributions


Chang, S., Akin Sabuncu, S., Vernikoff, L., Horn, C., & Goodwin, L., (2024, April 11-14). Investigating the Professional Identity Formation of Teaching Residents of Color Through the Lens of Perezhivanie. [Paper presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, Pennsylvania, United States Of America.

Lynch, A., Gallagher, B., Horn, C., Bruce, C. & Ivers, B. (2024, April 4-6). Conceptualisations of the Further Education (FE) Teacher: Exploring the Professional Identities of Practitioners. [Paper presentation]. Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Conference 2024, Maynooth University.

McDevitt, S. E., Akin-Sabuncu, S., Darity, K., & Horn, C. (2023, November 22-24). I wanted to show them how beautiful teaching can be: Becoming a teacher educator in an urban residency. [Paper presentation]. World Education Research Association (WERA) 2023 Conference, Singapore.

Chang, S., Akin-Sabuncu, S., Vernikoff, L., Horn, C., & Goodwin, A. L. (2023, August 22-25). Unpacking urban teaching residents' Perezhivanie: Implications for supporting minority teachers' professional identity development. [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2023, Glasgow, Scotland.

McDevitt, S. E., Akin-Sabuncu, S., Darity, K., & Horn, C. (2023, April 13-16). Becoming a school-based teacher educator: Experienced mentor teachers' emotional geographies in high-need urban schools. [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IL, USA.

Horn, C., & Pedrak, A. (2022, May 25-27). Changing Landscapes: Heritage Language Schools in the Irish Context. [Paper Presentation]. Annual meeting for the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) conference, Dublin, Ireland.

Horn, C. & Darity, K (2022, May 25-27). Moving to Induction: Programmatic Supports from an Initial Teacher Education Program. [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting for the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) conference, Dublin, Ireland.

Ui Chianain, A., Haals-Brosnan, M., McCauley-Lambe, S., Colum, M., Farrelly, M., Horn, C., McDaid, R., Ni Dhuinn, M., & O'Laighin, F. (2022, April 7-9). Placement in a Pandemic: Exploring the Impact of Covid-19 on Students' Experience of Educational Placement. [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting for the Educational Studies Association of Ireland Conference 2022, Dublin, Ireland.

Horn, C., & Pedrak, A. (2022, April 7-9). Heritage Language Schools: An Irish Perspective. [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting for the Educational Studies Association of Ireland Conference 2022, Dublin, Ireland.

Darity, K., Goodwin, A. L., & Horn, C. (2022, April 21-26). Mentoring for Sustainable Disruption in an Urban Teacher Residency Induction Program. [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting for the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, California. USA.

Horn, C., & Uí Choistealbha, J.  (2022, April 21-26). Coteaching for reimagined practice in Irish initial teacher education: A self-study. [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting for the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, California. USA.

Darity, K., Goodwin, A. L., & Horn, C. (2021, July 7-9). From Student to Teacher: Transitioning from an Urban Teacher Residency Program to Induction. [Paper presentation]. Focal meeting for the World Education Research Association, Online.

Horn, C. & DeLuca, K. (2021). Constructive Disruption: Problems of Practice in Practitioner Research. [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting for the Educational Studies Association of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland. Online.

Vernikoff, L, Goodwin, A. L., & Horn, C. (2019, September 2-6). Teaching From, In, and For Particular Places. [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting for the European Conference on Educational Research, Hamburg, Germany. Place-based Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Teaching From, In, and For Particular Places | EERA (eera-ecer.de)

Vernikoff, L, Goodwin, A. L., & Horn, C. (2019, April 24-26). Place-based Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Teaching For New York City. [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting for New England Educational Research Organization, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. USA.

Horn, C., Darity, K., & Goodwin, A. L. (2018, April 13-17). The Stories We Tell: A Supervisor's Role. [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting for the American Educational Research Association, New York, New York, USA.

Vernikoff, L., Reagan, E., Goodwin, A. L., Horn, C., Couse, L. & Schram, T. (2018, March 1). Beyond urban or rural: Effective clinical practices for teaching residencies in diverse contexts.  [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting for the American Association Conference of Teacher Educators, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Goodwin, A. L., Chen. C. & Horn, C. (2017, August 21-25). Learning from the City: Communities as Resources in Urban Teacher Preparation. [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting for the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Copenhagen, Denmark.

Horn, C., Darity, K., Goodwin, A. L., & Vernikoff, L. (2017, August 21-25). Navigating School Cultures: A Supervisor's Role. [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting for the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Copenhagen, Denmark.

Goodwin, A. L., Chen. C. & Horn, C. (2017, April 27-May 1). Learning from the City: Communities as Resources in Urban Teacher Preparation. [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting for the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Horn, C., Darity, K., Goodwin, A. L., & Vernikoff, L. (2017, April 27-May 1). Navigating School Cultures: A Supervisor's Role. [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting for the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Horn, C., Darity, K., Goodwin, A. L., & Vernikoff, L. (2017, April 5-7). Navigating School Cultures: A Supervisor's Role. [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting for New England Educational Research Organization, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. USA.

Horn, C., Darity, K., Goodwin, A. L., & Vernikoff, L. (2017, March 2). Navigating School Cultures: A Supervisor's Role. [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting for the American Association Conference of Teacher Educators, Tampa, Florida, USA.

Vernikoff, L., Goodwin, A.L., Horn, C., & Akin, S. (2017, March 2). “This city is like hitting the jackpot”: Funds of knowledge in place based teacher. [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting for the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Educator, Tampa, Florida, USA.

Akin, S, Horn, C., &. Goodwin, A.L., (2016). Preparing Highly Qualified Teachers: An Evaluation of a Teacher Residency Program. ]Paper presentation]. The “Pedagogical Possibilities for Quality Teacher Preparation in an Urban Teacher Residency Program” symposium for the annual meeting for New England Educational Research Organization, Portsmouth, NH.

Horn, C. (2016, April 8-12). Barriers to Participation in Heritage Language Schools in the Irish Context. [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting for the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C. 

Horn, C. (2016, August 22-26)."Staying Connected" Heritage Languages in the Irish Context. [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting for the European Conference on Educational Research, Dublin, Ireland.

Vernikoff, L., Goodwin, A.L., Horn, C., & Akin, S. (2016, August 22-26). “This city is like hitting the jackpot”: Funds of knowledge in place based teacher. [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting for the European Conference on Educational Research, Dublin, Ireland. 

Research/Professional Interests

Teacher education and preparation, encompassing place-based pedagogy and the involvement of communities in the learning process. Clinical practices, mentoring, supervision, and induction in diverse educational contexts. Heritage language schools. Multilingualism, multiculturalism, and the promotion of inclusive education.

Professional Activities

2020-2023 ELSTA's National Executive

2022 Teaching Council’s Research in Residence Scheme.

2020  Reviewer: Journal of Teacher Education present                     

2018   Reviewer: Journal of Education for Teaching

2016/2017   Chair Division K Roundtable Sessions, AERA 2016, Washington, DC


2008-2014, Teaching Council of Ireland, Research Grant (funded) 


American Educational Research Association (20015-Present) 

  • Division K
  • Division G
  • Urban Teaching and Learning SIG
  • International Education SIG

New York State Organization of Bilingual Educators (2015-Present)

The Irish Teaching Council (2005-Present) 

Dyslexic Teachers Society of Ireland (2003-Present)

Irish National Teachers Organization (2002-Present)