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Joan Kiely EdD



01 853 5157
St Mary's, Room 114


Leadership Team


Dean of Education: Curriculum and Childhood

Head of School: Curriculum and Childhood

B.Ed. course leader

Head of masters’ programmes


Joan is currently Dean of Education: Curriculum and Childhood at Marino Institute of Education, a position she has held since 2019. Joan’s responsibilities include leading the B.Ed. degree and masters’ programmes. The B.Ed. degree through the medium of Irish, (B.OID), the Professional master's in education (PME) programme and the B.Sc. in Early Childhood Education are also situated in the school of curriculum and childhood.  Joan lectures on Early Childhood Education on the B.Ed. and PME programmes and she also teaches an elective on the B.Ed programme called ‘Supporting literacy learners in a DEIS context.’  Joan led the M.ES in Early Childhood Education programme from 2014 until 2022 and taught modules on policy and practice in early childhood and language and literacy in early childhood. Her research interests include looking at the voice of the child, play, oral language development, early literacy, and parental involvement in their children’s education.


Ed.D., B.Ed., B.A., M.Ed. Dip Theatre TCD, Grad Dip Learning Support



Module Code

Module Name


B.Ed 3


Early Childhood Education (ECE)

Module leader and lecturer



Early Childhood Education

Module leader and lecturer

B.Ed 4


Supporting literacy learning in a DEIS context

Module leader and lecturer



Language and Literacy


 Publications and other outputs


Book Chapters


Kiely, J. (2018). Actioning the new primary language curriculum: Strategies to develop de-contextualised language. In B. Culligan & M. Wilson (Eds.), Perspectives on literacy: Bringing voices together (pp. 174-187). Literacy Association of Ireland.

Kiely, J. (2012). Early Childhood Education in the Primary School Curriculum in Maire Mhic Mhathuna & Mark Taylor (Eds). Early Childhood Education & Care: An introduction for students in Ireland. Gill & Macmillan.




Kiely, J. (2017). An internal process evaluation of The Storytime Project: A parental dialogic story-reading programme. [Unpublished doctoral thesis]. Dublin City University, Ireland.


Educational Resources


Kiely, J. (2015). Support material for the new Primary Language Curriculum in Ireland (2015). https://www.curriculumonline.ie/getmedia/37016c60-1938-4016-a109-9ffe3b4ec35c/OLRW_SocioDramaticPlay_1.pdf?ext=.pdf 


Professional Journal Articles


Kiely, J. (2019, November). We need to talk about homework. Leadership Plus: The professional voice of school leaders. Issue 111. p18.


Research Reports

Kiely, J., Haals Brosnan, M., Colum, M., Uí Chianáin, A. & Dunne, C.M. (2024). Child’s Voice: Consulting with children as part of the redevelopment of the Primary School Curriculum. Final Report December 2024. National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA). https://ncca.ie/media/2dyboryp/consultation_with_children_report.pdf 

Kiely, J., Haals Brosnan, M., Uí Chianáin, A., Dunne, C. & Colum, M. (2022). Consulting with children on the draft primary curriculum, NCCA. https://ncca.ie/media/5883/final-report-on-the-consultation-with-children-on-the-new-draft-primary-curriculum_june-2022.pdf

Kiely, J., O’ Toole, L., Haals-Brosnan, M., O’ Brien, E., O’ Keeffe, C and Dunne C. (2021). Parental involvement, engagement and partnership in their children’s learning during the primary school years: Part 2 (A) Case Studies and (B) Oral Language Workshops, NCCA. https://www.mie.ie/en/research/research_projects/completed_projects/parental_involvement_engagement_and_partnership_in_their_childrens_learning_during_the_primary_school_years/july-2021-final-version-of-report-inc-exec-summary.pdf

O’ Toole, L., Kiely, J., Mc Gillicuddy, D., O’ Brien, E. and O’ Keeffe, C (2019).  Parental Involvement, Engagement and Partnership in their Children’s Education during the Primary School Years, NCCA. https://www.mie.ie/en/research/research_projects/completed_projects/parental_involvement_engagement_and_partnership_in_their_childrens_learning_during_the_primary_school_years/published-lit-review-parental-involvement-research-doc.pdf


Conference Contributions


Kiely, J., Haals Brosnan, M., Uí Chianáin, A., Dunne, C. & Colum, M. (2022, April 7-9). Consulting with children on the draft primary curriculum: Methodological approach. [Paper presentation]. Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) conference, Dublin.

Kiely, J. (2020, January 24th). The contested role of homework in extending children’s learning in the home. Keynote Address. [Paper presentation]. Irish Primary Principals’ Network, City West Hotel, Rathcoole, Dublin.

Kiely, J. (2019, November 7th). The contested role of homework in extending children’s learning in the home. [paper presentation]. Keynote Address. Irish Deputy Primary Principals’ Network, City West Hotel, Rathcoole, Dublin.

Kiely, J. (2019, August 20-23). Making homework more family-friendly. [Paper presentation]. European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) conference. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

Research/Professional Interests

Parental involvement in children's learning, Child Voice, Children's language and literacy development, Play.