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Julie Uí Choistealbha DEd

Julie Ui Choistealbha_Website Profle_2016_resized


01 805 7723
St Mary's, Room 231


Department of Policy & Practice


Head of Department of Policy & Practice


Dr Julie Uí Choistealbha in Head of the department of Policy and Practice in Marino Institute of Education. Both her teaching and research are rooted in professional learning, specifically in the initial teacher education and induction phases of the continuum of teacher education. Her professional interests include internationalisation, education placement experiences and ePortfolios. She lectures in Professional Studies, Comparative Education, Communication for Education and Transitioning to Higher Education. 


Ed. D. Trinity College Dublin (2012)

M.Ed. (Educational Disadvantage) St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra (2005)

B.Ed. St Patrick's College, Drumcondra (2001)

Dip. Ed (Mentoring Newly Qualified Teachers) St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra (2006)



Publications and other outputs


Book Chapters

Uí Choistealbha, J. & Colum, M. (2022). You Can't Be What You Can't See: How the Irish Education System is Supporting Irish Travellers to Participate in ITE Programmes. In Education as the Driving Force of Equity for the Marginalized (pp. 113-134). IGI Global.


Journal Articles

Young, A. M., Ni Dhuinn, M., Mitchell, E., Ó Conaill, N., & Uí Choistealbha, J. (2022). Disorienting dilemmas and transformative learning for school placement teacher educators during COVID-19: challenges and possibilities. Journal of Education for Teaching, 48(4), 459-474.

Donnelly, R. C., Uí Choistealbha, J., & Fitzmaurice, M. (2020). The student experience of final year in an undergraduate degree programme in Education Studies. All Ireland Journal of Higher Education, 12(2).

Donaldson, L., Buckley, K., Farrell, O., Uí Choistealbha., J., (2018). Reflections on ePortfolio Professional Learning: Harnessing an Unconference Approach. AePR, 2 (3).

Uí Choistealbha, J. (2018). The benefits and challenges of using ePortfolios. In I. Kunnari & M. Laurikainen (eds.) Students’ perspectives in ePortfolios.  HAMK Unlimited journal 21.9.2018. https://unlimited.hamk.fi/ammatillinen-osaaminen-ja-opetus/the-benefits-and-challenges-of-using-eportfolios

Uí Choistealbha, J., Mullally, A., & McMorrough, A. (2018). Moving from a focus on the student to a focus on the teacher. In I. Kunnari (ed.) Higher education perspectives on ePortfolios. HAMK Unlimited Journal 21.12.2018. https://unlimited.hamk.fi/ammatillinen-osaaminen-ja-opetus/focus-on-the-teacher

Uí Choistealbha, J. (2018). Understanding EEP as a Professional Learning Network. In I. Kunnari & M. Laurikainen (Eds.) Empowering ePortfolio Process. HAMK Unlimited Journal 21.12.2018. https://unlimited.hamk.fi/ammatillinen-osaaminen-ja-opetus/understanding-eep-as-a-pln

Uí Choistealbha, J., Donnelly, R., & Fitzmaurice, M. (2016). Exploring the Student Experience of the Final Year of a Professionally-Oriented Undergraduate Degree in Education Studies. Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal (LICEJ), 7(3). https://arrow.tudublin.ie/ltcart/40/


Educational Resources

eBook Contribution:  Donaldson, L. (2018) (Ed). Eportfolio Based Assessment – Inspiring Exploration and Supporting Evaluation for Practitioners. [online book]. National Institute for Digital Learning, Dublin City University.

Uí Choistealbha, J., (2017). in Kunnari, I. and Laurikainen, M. (eds.). Collection of Engaging Practices in ePortfolio Process. https://eepeu.wordpress.com/publications/

eBook Contribution: Teaching Council School Placement eBook http://www.teachingcouncil.ie/en/Teacher-Education/Initial-Teacher-Education/School-Placement/School-placement-eBook


Research Reports

Uí Choistealbha, J.,  Ní Dhuinn, M., Hamilton, J., & Kaur, T. (2022). SHARED: Final Report https://scotens.org/site/wp-content/uploads/SHARED-Research-Report.pdf

Uí Choistealbha, J. & Ní Dhuinn, M. (2021). DEEPEN: Final Report. https://www.teachingcouncil.ie/en/research-croi-/commissioned-research/deepen-final-report_2021.pdf


Conference Contributions

Young, A.-M., Ní Dhuinn, M., Mitchell, E., Ó Conaill, N., & Uí Choistealbha, J. (2023, April 14). Transformation within the Teacher Education Practicum: Breaking tradition, taking risks, embracing change using a Mezirow framework [Paper presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, Division K, Teaching and Teacher Education, Chicago.

Uí Choistealbha, J. (2022, October 20-21). The North South Student Teacher Exchange Programme. [Paper presentation]. SCoTENS Conference: Reflecting, Reconnecting and Re-Engaging with the Core Purpose(s) of Education, Dundalk  

Young, A.-M., Ní Dhuinn, M., Mitchell, E., Ó Conaill, N., & Uí Choistealbha, J. (2022, April). The COVID-19 practicum experience. A new means to an end. [Paper presentation]. ATEE Spring Conference, Marino Institute of Education, Dublin.

Ní Dhuinn, M., & Uí Choistealbha, J. (2022, April). Transitioning from Initial Teacher Education to Teacher Induction. End Game to New Beginning. [Paper presentation]. ATEE Spring Conference, Marino Institute of Education, Dublin. Uí Choistealbha, J., & Ní Dhuinn, M. (2022, April). We need to talk about our relationship! An exploration of how the DEEPEN research has informed our understanding of the complexities of teacher induction. [Paper presentation]. ESAI conference.

Uí Choistealbha, J., Ní Dhuinn, M. (2021, December 9-11). All in this together?” Unpacking the concepts of inclusion and diversity in the teaching profession in Ireland through the lens of a national teacher induction process research study.  [Paper presentation]. HKERA-APERA International Conference. https://hkera-apera2021.com/

Uí Choistealbha, J. (2021, October). Using an LfE approach to challenge perspectives of examination / review processes in Higher Education. [Poster presentation]. Learning from Excellence Conference 2021. PowerPoint Presentation (learningfromexcellence.com)

Uí Choistealbha, J., Ní Dhuinn, M. (2020, September 3-5). A Deep Dive Into teacher induction programmes – a systematic literature review. [Paper presentation]. ESAI Conference, online.



Uí Choistealbha, J., Ní Dhuinn, M. (2022, March) Overview of the SHARED Project. SCoTENS webinar.

Uí Choistealbha, J., Ní Dhuinn, M. (2022, March) Findings from the DEEPEN Project. Hibernia College webinar.

Uí Choistealbha, J., Ní Dhuinn, M. (2021, March). Teachers’ lived experience of the Droichead professional induction programme:  insights from the DEEPEN project, Trinity College Dublin Research Series Webinar.

Research/Professional Interests

Professional learning

Work-based learning: School Placement/Work Placement

Working as a professional

Attitudes, perceptions and motivation

The teaching and learning processes

eportfolios as a mode of assessment


DEEPEN: Droichead: Exploring and Eliciting Perspectives, Experiences and Narratives 


In 2018 a MIE/TCD research consortium, led by Dr Julie Uí Choistealbha and Dr Melanie Ní Dhuinn, was successful in the Teaching Council tender process for research into teachers’ experience of the Droichead professional induction process. This MIE/TCD consortium brings together the shared knowledge and expertise of two institutions who have long histories in Initial Teacher Education at both primary and post primary level, documented excellence in research in education nationally and internationally and a shared vision for a quality continuum of education in Ireland.

‘Empowering ePortfolio Processes’ Erasmus+ Project

September 2016- June 2018 
