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Rory Mc Daid EdD



01 805 7708
St Mary's, Room 224


Research Office


Director of Research

Senior Lecturer in Sociology of Education

Course Leader, MES Intercultural Learning and Leadership

Coordinator, Migrant Teacher Project

Visiting Research Fellow, CAVE, School of Education, Trinity College, Dublin


Dr Rory Mc Daid is Director of Research at MIE. He is course leader for the MES (Intercultural Learning and Leadership) and coordinator of the Migrant Teacher Project. Rory lectures in sociology of education, intercultural education and social justice and equality. His current research focuses on teacher migration and mobility, refugee education, cultural mediation and teacher diversity.


BA (Humanities) (St. Pats/DCU)

HDipEd (NUI Galway)

MPhil (Peace Studies) (TCD)

EdD (St. Pats/DCU)



Module Code

Module Name




Sociology of Education

Module leader and lecturer



Sociology of Education


B.Sc (ECE)


Inclusion and Diversity in Early Childhood Education

Module leader and lecturer

B.Sc (ECE)


Inclusion and Culture, Identity and Self




Schools and Diversity, Inclusion and Intercultural Learning

Module leader and lecturer



Research Methods

Module leader and lecturer



Publications and other outputs


Edited Books


Keane, E., Heinz, M., & Mc Daid, R. (Eds). (2023). Diversifying the teaching profession: Dimensions, dilemmas and directions for the future, Routledge.

Ó Duibhir, P., Mc Daid, R. & O'Shea, A. (Eds.) (2011). All Changed? Culture and identity in contemporary Ireland, Duras.


Book Chapters


Schmidt, C., Terhart, H., Mc Daid, R. & Proyer, M. (2023). Unravelling the nuanced experiences of multilingual internationally educated teachers in bridging programmes: A focus on language. In S. Krause, M. Proyer & G. Kremsner (Eds.), The making of teachers in the age of migration: Critical perspectives on the politics of education for refugees, immigrant and minorities. Bloomsbury Press, pp. 102-118.

Keane, E., Heinz, M. & Mc Daid, R. (2023). Diversifying the teaching profession: Representation matters. In E. Keane, M. Heinz & R. Mc Daid (Eds.), Diversifying the teaching profession: Dimensions, dilemmas and directions for the future. Routledge, pp. 3-21.

Keane, E., Heinz, M. & Mc Daid, R. (2023). Diversity in the teaching profession in Ireland: Tracing research and policy development. In E. Keane, M. Heinz & R. Mc Daid (Eds.), Diversifying the teaching profession: Dimensions, dilemmas, and directions for the future. Routledge, pp. 36-53.

Mc Daid, R. (2023). Migrant teachers in Ireland: An untapped reservoir? In E. Keane, M. Heinz & R. Mc Daid (Eds.), Diversifying the teaching profession: Dimensions, dilemmas and directions for the future. Routledge, pp. 144-154.

Sala Rothen, M.F. & Mc Daid, R. (2023). Someone like me? Minority ethnic children reflect on the need for minority ethnic teachers. In E. Keane, M. Heinz & R. Mc Daid (Eds.), Diversifying the teaching profession: Dimensions, dilemmas and directions for the future. Routledge, pp. 166-177.

Mc Daid, R., Keane, E. & Heinz, M. (2023). Mapping learning and interrogating tensions. In E. Keane, M. Heinz & R. Mc Daid (Eds.), Diversifying the teaching profession: Dimensions, dilemmas and directions for the future. Routledge, pp. 211-225.

Heinz, M., Keane, E. & Mc Daid, R. (2023). Charting pathways towards a more diverse, equitable and inclusive teaching profession. In E. Keane, M. Heinz & R. Mc Daid (Eds.), Diversifying the teaching profession: Dimensions, dilemmas and directions for the future. Routledge, pp. 226-240.

Mc Daid, R. (2022). Doing a literature review. In D. Fahie & S.D. Bergin (Eds.), Doing research in education: A beginner's guide. UCD Press, pp. 30-44.

Walsh, T. and Mc Daid, R. (2019). Race discrimination and the management of ethnic diversity at work: The case of elementary teachers in Ireland. In J. Vassilopoulou, O. Kyriakidou, V. Showunmi and J. Brabet, (Eds.), Race discrimination and the management of ethnic diversity at work: European countries perspectives. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 81-105.

Mc Daid, R. (2019). Smoothing the bumpy road? An examination of some targeted initiatives for refugee and minority ethnic children and young people in Ireland. In J. McBrien (Ed.), Exploring educational policies and practices in English-speaking countries of refugee resettlement. Sense, pp. 220-239.

Mc Daid, R. (2018). Closing the achievement for minority language children: Some thoughts on continuing the march. In B. O’Toole and B. Skinner (Eds.), Minority language pupils and the curriculum: Closing the achievement gap. SCOTENS, pp. 40-47.

Mc Daid, R. and Walsh, T. (2016). Challenging the homogeneity of the elementary school teaching force in Ireland. In C. Schmidt and J. Schneider (Eds.), Diversifying the teaching force in transnational contexts: Critical perspectives. Sense Publishers, pp. 153-164.

Mc Daid, R. (2012). Interculturalism in post-primary education. In T. Hall, (Ed.), Education matters year book 2012. Education Matters, pp. 133-134.

Ó Duibhir, P., Mc Daid, R., and O'Shea, A. (2011). Introduction. In P. Ó Duibhir, R. Mc Daid and A. O'Shea. (Eds), All Changed? Culture and identity in contemporary Ireland. Duras, pp. 9-21.

Mc Daid, R. (2011). GŁOS, VOCE, VOICE: Minority Language Children Reflect on the Recognition of their First Languages in Irish Primary Schools. In M. Darmody, N. Tyrrell and S. Song (Eds.), The changing faces of Ireland: Exploring immigrant and ethnic minority children's experiences. Sense, pp. 17-33.

Mc Daid, R. (2007). New Kids on the Block. In P. Downes and A.L. Gilligan (Eds.), Beyond Educational Disadvantage. IPA, pp 268-279.


Journal Articles


Mc Daid, R. (2025) Integration of Ukrainian refugee teachers in Ireland? Intercultural Education 1-20.

Fitzsimmons, P., Mc Daid, R. & Share, M. (2025). Standardised testing among children learning English as an Additional Language (EAL) in Ireland: Normative and exclusionary practices. REACH - Journal of Inclusive Education in Ireland. 37(1).

Share, M., Delaney, C. & Mc Daid, R. (2023). How do doctoral students experience writing and thesis production. All Ireland Journal of Higher Education, 15(2).

Lynch, A., Haals-Brosnan, M., McCauley-Lambe, S., Colum, M., Farrelly, M., Horn, C., Mc Daid, R., Minnock, M., Ní Dhuinn, M. & Ó Laighin, F. (2023). Placement during a pandemic? Exploring the experiences & perspectives of students completing educational placement during the COVID-19 pandemic. All Ireland Journal of Higher Education, 15(2).

Mc Daid, R. and Nowlan, E. (2022). Barriers to recognition for migrant teachers in Ireland. European Educational Research Journal 21(2), 247-264.

Egan, O. & Mc Daid, R. (2019). Lesbian and gay teachers and Ireland's marriage equality referendum: Rainbow recognition or rancour redux? Irish Teachers' Journal, 7(1), 129-145.

Schmidt, C. & Mc Daid, R. (2015). Linguistic barriers among internationally educated teachers in Ireland and Canada: A critical comparative analysis. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 38(3), 172-183.

Prunty, A., Dupont, M. & Mc Daid, R. (2012). Voices of students with special educational needs (SEN): Views on schooling. Support for Learning27(1), 29-36.


Educational Resources


Friend-Pereira, J.C. & Mc Daid, R. (2002). Anti-racism and multiculturalism campaigns: Activity and resource pack for student co-ordinators. USI.

Cullen, J. & Mc Daid, R. (2001). The disability handbook. USI.


Research Reports


Mc Daid, R. & Kaufman, K. (2024). Roma cultural mediation in a selection of Irish schools. MIE.

Mc Daid, R., Share, M. & Lolich, L. (2023). D1 & D7 school completion programme: Evaluation Report. MIE.

Share, M. Delaney, C. & Mc Daid, R. (2021). PGR StudentSurvey.ie - Qualitative data analysis report.  StudentSurvey.ie.

Mc Daid, R. (2020). CDETB Migrant integration project: Evaluation report. MIE.

Minton, S. & Mc Daid, R. (2017). A study of participating students’ experiences of the Trinity admissions feasibility study (TAFS). CAVE, TCD.

Merriman, B., Greene, S., Doyle, E. & Mc Daid, R. (2013). Growing up in Ireland: Report on the qualitative study of infants and their parent at wave 1. Department of Children and Youth Affairs 

Travers, J., Balfe, T., Butler, C., Day, T., Dupont, M., Mc Daid, R., O’Donnell, M. & Prunty, A. (2010). Addressing the challenges and barriers to inclusion in Irish schools: Report to the research and development committee of the Department of Education and Skills. St Patrick’s College, Special Education Department.

Ware, J., Balfe, T., Butler, C., Day, T., Dupont, M., Harten, C., Farrell, A., Mc Daid, R., O’Riordan, M., Prunty, A. & Travers, J. (2009). Research report on the role of special schools & classes in Ireland (NCSE Research Reports No: 4). National Council for Special Education.


Conference Contributions


Mc Daid, R. (2025, January 14). Inclusion of migrant and refugee teachers in the Irish education system. In and Through Education: Education Trade Unions Support the Inclusion of Refugees and Migrants, ETUCE/INTO Roundtable, Dublin.

Mc Daid, R. & Ozlap, R. (2024, November 22). The Work of Migrant Teachers in Ireland [Presentation]. 9th National Forum on Education for Sustainable Development. Dublin.

Mc Daid, R. (2024, August 27-30). Ukrainian Teachers in Ireland: Evaluating a Bespoke Bridging Programme. [Paper presentation]. ECER 2024, Cyprus.

Mc Daid, R., Heinz, M. & Keane, E. (2024, August 27-30). Teacher Diversification in Ireland: Lessons to be Learned? [Symposium presentation]. ECER 2024, Cyprus.

Proyer, M., Mc Daid, R., Terhart, H., & Sow Linares, S. (2024, May 29-June 1). Supporting Internationally Educated Teachers across Europe? [Paper presentation]. ATEE Spring Conference 2024, Bergamo, Italy.

Keane, E., Mc Daid, R. Titley, A. & Mac Maoilir, E. (2024, April 4-6). Teacher Diversity: Interrogating Issues of ‘Race’, Ethnicity, and Social Class. [Symposium presentation]. Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Conference 2024, Maynooth University.

Mc Daid, R. (2024, April 4-6). Ireland and the Global Market in Teachers: Imagining the possibilities? [Paper presentation]. Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Conference 2024, Maynooth University.

Mc Daid, R., Terhart, H., Proyer, M., & Sow Linares, S. (2024, February 14) International teachers and the potential for the transformation of schools [Webinar], European Educational Leadership Week (EELW), ELNE Network, Online.

Mc Daid, R., Proyer, M., & Terhart, H. (2023, December 1) Supporting the learning needs of migrant teachers across Europe [Webinar], European Life Long Learning Week, Brussels.

Mc Daid, R. (2023, October 20) Teacher Diversity Symposium [Invited Panellist], University of Galway, Galway.

Mc Daid, R. (2023, September 29) ITIRE: Improving Teacher to Improve Refugee Education [Invited Panellist], Universität Wien, Vienna.

Mc Daid, R., Veck, W., & Proyer, M. (2023, August 25) Beyond the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’: Mapping different narratives in (forced) migration in McIntyre, J. & Dovego, F. Refugee education in the HERE and now: Creating places of diversity and sanctuary in ‘Fortress Europe’ Part One [Symposium] ECER Annual Conference, Glasgow.

Mc Daid, R. (2023, May 31) Turn to Teaching Diversity Seminar [Invited Panellist], Turn to Teaching, Maynooth.

Keane, E., Heinz, M., & Mc Daid, R. (2023, March 31) Diversifying the teaching profession [Symposium]. ESAI Annual Conference, Belfast.

Mc Daid, R. (2022, December 15) Minority ethnic teachers in the Irish education system [Invited Presentation]. Children and Youth Migration SIG, Children’s Research Network, Online.

Mc Daid, R., & Share, M. (2022, November 1) Qualitative data analysis: 2019 PGR qualitative data [Workshop Presentation]. Studentsurvey.ie, Online. 

Mc Daid, R. (2022, October 17) Student teachers as researchers: How have we gotten here and where are we going? [Invited Keynote]. Stranmillis University College, Belfast.

Mc Daid, R. (2022, June 20) Best practice in refugee education: Insights from Ireland [Invited Oral Presentation]. OECD Webinar.

Terhart, H., Proyer, M., Mc Daid, R., & Schmidt, C. (2022, May 26). Internationally educated teachers in times of crisis [Symposium]. ATEE Spring Conference, Dublin.

O'Brien, M., Gibson, D., Burns, G., King, P., Mc Daid, R., Murphy, T., O'Shea, A., & Farrell, C, (2022, April 8). Recovering what matters in education through building a critical community of praxis: thinking, dialoging, caring as teacher educators in challenging times [Symposium]. ESAI Annual Conference, Online.

Mc Daid, R. (2021, November 20) Research-led first language recognition [Invited Oral Presentation]. Forum of Heritage Language Coalitions in Europe, Online.

Mc Daid, R. (2021, September 9). Immigrant internationally educated teachers re-accessing the job market in Ireland [Paper Presentation]. ECER, Online.

Mc Daid, R. (2021, May 27). Intercultural education in Europe: Key policy developments [Invited Oral Presentation]. SIDIT: Multicultural Classrooms in Europe - Leading the way to a more inclusive teaching, Online.

O'Brien, M., Burns, G., Gibson, D., O'Shea, A., Farrell, C., King, P., & Mc Daid, R. (2021, March 26) Possibilities and challenges for communities of practice in disembodied (COVID) spaces [Symposium]. ESAI Annual Conference, Online.

Mc Daid, R., & Campbell, G. (2021, March 25). An injection of confidence? Immigrant internationally educated teachers reflect on their involvement with the migrant teacher project [Paper Presentation]. ESAI Annual Conference, Online.

Mc Daid, R. (2021, March 23). The role of teacher diversity in migrant children’s educational success? [Invited Oral Presentation]. IMMERSE 2020: Supporting Migrant Children’s Educational Access and Participation, UCC, Online.

Mc Daid, R., & Campbell, G. (2021, March 12). Discrimination, language and race and migrant teachers in Ireland [Paper Presentation]. R/EQUAL consortium, Online.

Mc Daid, R., & Campbell, G. (2020, December 3). Migrant teacher confidence is in short supply [Paper Presentation]. Internationalisation of Teacher Education and International Teacher Migration, Online.

O'Brien, M., Mc Daid, R., King, P., Gibson, D, O'Shea, A., Farrell, C., & Burns, G. (2020, April 3) Performativity and teacher educator praxis in the PUCA: Opening up possibilities for pause and reflective praxis [Symposium]. ESAI Annual Conference, DCU, Dublin.

Mc Daid, R. & Nowlan, E. (2020, January 23). Migrant teachers in Ireland – What does the research tell us? [Invited Oral Presentation]. TRISS Bitesize, TCD, Dublin.

Mc Daid, R. (2019, November 14). Formal and informal barriers to recognition for immigrant internationally educated teachers in Ireland [Paper Presentation]. DITE Research Symposium, Galway.

Mc Daid, R. (2019, March 14) Linguistic diversity in Dublin’s schools [Invited Oral Presentation]. Trinity and the Changing City: Dublin’s Languages, TCD, Dublin.

Mc Daid, R., & Nowlan, E. (2019, January 31). Immigrant teachers working in Ireland: Barriers and beyond [Invited Oral Presentation]. TCD School of Education Research Seminar, Dublin.

Mc Daid, R., & Nowlan, E. (2019, January 25). Complexity in migrant teachers’ stories [Paper Presentation]. DCU Intercultural Education Conference, Dublin.

Mc Daid, R. (2018, November 3). Linguistic diversity and migrant teachers in Ireland [Paper Presentation]. First Mother Tongues Conference on Heritage Language Education in Ireland, Dublin.

Mc Daid, R. (2018, July 12). Migrant teachers and teacher diversity [Invited Oral Presentation]. SIRIUS National Roundtable 2018, Dublin.  

Nowlan, E., & Mc Daid, R. (2018, April 6). Migrant teachers in Ireland – A process of elimination? [Paper Presentation]. ESAI Annual Conference, Dublin.

Walsh, T., & Mc Daid, R. (2016, August 25). Excavating the foundations of a homogenous primary school teaching force in Ireland [Paper Presentation]. ECER Annual Conference, Dublin.

O’Toole, L., Mc Daid, R., & Ryan, A. (2016, June 22). Assessment of combined foundation discipline content on an initial teacher education programme: Student-lecturer interdisciplinary dialoguing of theories to practices [Paper Presentation]. Dialogue across education and humanities conference, St. Patrick’s College, Dublin.

Mc Daid, R. (2015, December 10). Who is not in the classroom? [Paper Presentation]. IDEC Annual Conference, Ennis.

Mc Daid, R. (2015, September 9). Struggling for legitimacy: The experiences of internationally educated teachers in Ireland [Paper Presentation]. ECER Annual Conference, Budapest.

Mc Daid, R. (2015, April 10). “Wow! This is great; this will get me into teaching!” Immigrant internationally educated teachers reflect on teaching in Ireland [Paper Presentation]. ESAI, Maynooth.

Mc Daid, R., & Schmidt, C. (2014, May 29). Linguistic barriers among internationally educated teachers in Ireland and Manitoba: A critical comparative analysis [Paper Presentation]. Diverse Teachers for Diverse Learners Conference, Glasgow.  

Mc Daid, R. (2014, April 17). Know your place: An examination of the experiences of some IETs in Ireland [Paper Presentation]. ATEE Winter Conference, Budapest.

Mc Daid, R. (2013, March 22). Entry criteria: Obstructing the path to becoming another brick in the wall? Entering initial teacher education in Ireland [Paper Presentation]. ESAI Annual Conference, Limerick.

Mc Daid, R. (2013, March 21). Supporting first languages in Irish schools [Invited Oral Presentation]. ELSTA Workshop, Dublin.

Mc Daid, R. (2012, November 24). First languages in Irish primary schools – some Polish children’s reflections [Paper Presentation]. Network of Polish Schools in Ireland Annual Conference, Dublin.

Mc Daid, R., & O’Toole, B. (2012, September 29). Literacy teaching through sport: ‘Kicking off with English language skills [Paper Presentation]. RAI Annual Conference, Marino Institute of Education, Dublin.

Mc Daid, R., & O'Toole, B. (2011, November 26). My language: Pride in the skin I'm in [Paper Presentation]. DICE Conference, You, Me and Diversity.

Mc Daid, R. (2010, December 4). Promoting multilingualism through a trilingual literacy camp in Ireland [Paper Presentation]. ESRC Seminar Series, Goldsmiths College, London.

Mc Daid, R. (2010, March 27). Pedagogues, power and perpetuation: The prioritisation of English language learning in Irish primary classrooms [Paper Presentation]. ESAI Annual Conference, Dundalk.

Mc Daid, R. (2009, February 28). “Nomenclature” - minority language and minority ethnic children. [Invited Oral Presentation]. ELSTA, Dublin.

Mc Daid, R. (2008, October 3). Meeting the needs of foreign national young people in Irish schools [Invited Oral Presentation]. Foreign National Young People at Risk Seminar, Dublin.

Mc Daid, R. (2008, September 20). Children recruiting teachers? [Paper Presentation]. Human Rights Education for a Sustainable Future: Celebrating 60 years of the UDHR. St. Patrick’s College, Dublin.

Mc Daid, R. (2008, September 8). Tears, trust and transformation: Schools’ cultural mediation project [Paper Presentation]. ESAI Annual Conference, Galway, 8 September 2008.

Mc Daid, R. (2007, November 23). Fág ag an doras iad!: Critiquing monolingual English-only language support for minority language children in Ireland [Paper Presentation]. Language, Education and Diversty Conference, University of Waikato, New Zealand.

Mc Daid, R. (2007, April 19). Recognising first languages: Moving beyond monolingual, English-only language support [Paper Presentation]. IRAAL Public Seminar. TCD, Dublin.

Mc Daid, R. (2007, March 26). Tapor, hirva and other axes [Paper Presentation]. Compass EAL Seminar, Church of Ireland College of Education, Dublin.

Mc Daid, R. (2007, March 5). Minority ethnic and minority language children in Irish primary schools: A practical vision for a better future [Paper Presentation], Inservice Education Public Lecture, St. Patrick’s College, Dublin.

Mc Daid, R. (2007, March 3). Barbarus hic ego sum quia non intelligor ulli! [Paper Presentation]. RAI, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.

Mc Daid, R. (2006, November 16). Exploring commercialism in the international classroom. [Invited Oral Presentation]. Campaign for Commercial Free Education: Inaugural Meeting, Dublin.

Mc Daid, R. (2006, May 19). An examination of the involvement of children in the selection process for Ireland’s first ombudsman for children [Paper Presentation]. Investment and Citizenship: Towards a Transdisciplinary Dialogue on Child and Youth Rights. Brock University, Canada.

Research/Professional Interests

Migrant Education; Migrant Teacher Recognition; Intercultural Education; Teacher diversity; Education for refugee and asylum-seeking children; Recognition of first languages in schools; Qualitative research methodologies; Minority ethnic and minority language parental involvement in schools; Cultural mediation in schools


Project titleFunding bodyDatesAward
Assessing the impact of interpretation and cultural mediation support on the attendance and engagement of Roma children in primary and post-primary schools in Dublin’s North inner CityIrish Research Council (New Foundations Programme)2023-2024€11,674.77
Irish Expatriate Teachers in the UAEAl Qasimi Foundation2023-2024€11,000
D1&7 SCP: Programme Review (PI)  D1&7 School Completion Programme2021€8,000
Migrant Teacher Experience North and South SCoTENS2021€5,000
Postgraduate Student SurveyStudentSurvey.ie2021€7,000
Migrant Teacher Project (PI)Department of Justice and Equality (AMIF)2019-2023€255,000
Migrant Teacher Project (PI)Department of Education and Skills2019-2022€50,000
Evaluation of Migrant Integration Project (PI)CDETB2018-2019€4,000
Migrant Teacher Project (PI)Teaching Council (John Coolahan Research Support Awards)2018-2019€4,950
Migrant Teacher Project (PI)Department of Justice and Equality (NIFP)2017-2019€100,000
The lives of Immigrant Internationally Educated Teachers (PI)Marino Institute of Education - Seed funding2014€1,500