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Fergus O'Dwyer PhD



01 805 7700
St Patrick's, Room 8


Department of Global Diversity, Sustainability & Intercultural Education


Trinity International Foundation Programme

Lecturer in English for Academic Purposes and Sociology


I am enjoying lecturing English for Academic Purposes and Sociology at Marino.

My core research interests begin from sociolinguistics, with future developments including an emphasis on pragmatics/communication in sporting environments and beyond.

I am also committed to pursuing the implementation of pedagogy to suit particular contexts, with the integration of frameworks like the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) a special interest. Currently editor of the CEFR Journal (https://cefrjapan.net/journal)


PhD (Linguistics; University College Dublin); M.A. (Applied Linguistics; Monash University); B.B.S.: Marketing and Languages (Japanese and Spanish; T.U. Dublin)



Module Code

Module Name





Module leader



English for Academic Purposes




Publications and Other Outputs



O’Dwyer, F. (2020). Linguistic Variation and Social Practices of Normative Masculinity: Authority and Multifunctional Humour in a Dublin Sports Club. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003014140

Naganuma, N., Nagai, N., & O’Dwyer, F. (2015). Connections to Thinking in English: The CEFR-informed textbook series A2+/B1 to B1+. Asahi Press.


Edited Books

O’Dwyer, F., Hunke, M., Imig, A., Nagai, N., Naganuma, N., & Schmidt, M. G. (Eds.). (2017). Critical, Constructive Assessment of CEFR-informed Language Teaching in Japan and Beyond (The English Profile Studies series, volume 6). Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9781316638231. https://www.cambridge.org/gh/cambridgeenglish/teacher-development/critical-constructive-assessment-cefr-informed-language-teaching-japan-and-beyond

Schmidt, M. G., Naganuma, N., O’Dwyer, F., Imig, A., & Sakai, K. (Eds.). (2010). Can do statements in language education in Japan and beyond: Applications of the CEFR. Asahi Press. ISBN: 9744255055584.


Book Chapters

O’Dwyer, F. (2023). Banter as a tactic of inclusion in sports organizations. In S. Schnurr & K. File (Eds.), The Language of Inclusion and Exclusion in Sports, Volume 26 in the series Language and Social Life (pp. 105-123). De Gruyter Mouton.  https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110789829-006

O’Dwyer, F. (2022). Confrontational humour in a Dublin sports club: Flouting the conversational maxims of indirectness. In S. Lucek & C. P. Amador Moreno (Eds.), Expanding the landscapes of Irish English Research: Papers in honour of Dr Jeffrey L. Kallen (pp. 178-196). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003025078-10

O’Dwyer, F. (2021). The functions of cursing in humorous Dublin sport club interactions: Emphatic functions of cursing amplify the humorous effect. In E. Linares-Bernabéu (Ed.), Gender and identity in humorous discourse: Género e identidad en el discurso humorístico (pp. 51-74). Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3-631-84910-1. https://doi.org/10.3726/b18128

Naganuma, N., Nagai, N., & O’Dwyer, F. (2017). Applying the CEFR to English for Academic Purposes textbooks. In F. O’Dwyer, M. Hunke, A. Imig, N. Nagai, N. Naganuma, & M. G. Schmidt (Eds.), Critical, Constructive Assessment of CEFR-informed Language Teaching in Japan and Beyond (pp. 77-94). Cambridge University Press.

O’Dwyer, F., Hunke, M., Imig, A., Nagai, N., Naganuma, N., & Schmidt, M. G. (2017) Introduction: Towards critical, constructive assessment of CEFR-informed language teaching in Japan and beyond. In F. O’Dwyer, M. Hunke, A. Imig, N. Nagai, N. Naganuma, & M. G. Schmidt (Eds.), Critical, Constructive Assessment of CEFR-informed Language Teaching in Japan and Beyond (pp. 3-17). Cambridge University Press.

O’Dwyer, F., Hunke, M., Imig, A., Nagai, N., Naganuma, N., & Schmidt, M. G. (2017) Bringing critical, constructive assessment of CEFR-informed language teaching forward. In F. O’Dwyer, M. Hunke, A. Imig, N. Nagai, N. Naganuma, & M. G. Schmidt (Eds.), Critical, Constructive Assessment of CEFR-informed Language Teaching in Japan and Beyond (pp. 315-326). Cambridge University Press.

O’Dwyer, F. (2016) Classroom activities to understand humour. In Katsuki, D & Fujimoto, D. (eds.), Filling the gaps in pragmatics teaching materials (pp. 53-62) JALT.

O'Dwyer, F. (2012). Mini World Englishes Research. In A. Matsuda (Ed.), Teaching English as an international language: Principles and practices (pp. 206-210). Multilingual Matters.


Journal Articles

O’Dwyer, F. (2022). The functions of collegial humour in male–only sporting interactions Te Reo. The Journal of the Linguistic Society of New Zealand, 64(2), 15-36. https://nzlingsoc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/1-ODwyer-pg-16-36.pdf

Kostopoulou, S., & O’Dwyer, F. (2021). "We learn from each other": Peer review writing practices in English for Academic Purposes. Language Learning in Higher Education, 11(1), 67–91. https://doi.org/10.1515/cercles-2021-2006

Runnels, J., & O’Dwyer, F. (2021). Teacher reflections on implementing a learning cycle in EFL writing classes: An action research study. Writing and Pedagogy, 12(1), 205–221. https://doi.org/10.1558/wap.34062

O’Dwyer, F., Hunke, M., & Schmidt, G. (2020). The EALTA UKALTA ‘Roadmap’ conference—The CEFR: A road map for future research and development—Meeting overview. The CEFR Journal: Research and practice, 2(1), 89–97. https://cefrjapan.net/images/PDF/Newsletter/CEFRJournal-2-8_Roadmap_conference.pdf

O’Dwyer, F., & de Boer, M. (2015). Approaches to assessment in CLIL [Content and Language Integrated Learning] classrooms: Two case studies. Language Learning in Higher Education, 5(2), 397–421. https://doi.org/10.1515/cercles-2015-0019.

O'Dwyer, F. (2015), An introduction to Irish English. Carolina P. Amador-Moreno. 2010. London: Equinox. xi + 191 pp. Dialects of English: Irish English. Volume 1: Northern Ireland. Karen P. Corrigan. 2010. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. xiii + 193 pp. World Englishes, 34: 306-309. https://doi.org/10.1111/weng.12144

O’Dwyer, F., & Runnels, J. (2014). Bringing learner self-regulation practices forward. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 5(4), 404-422. https://goo.gl/mqTznn

O’Dwyer, F., Imig, A., & Nagai, N. (2013). Connectedness through a strong form of TBLT [Task-based Language Learning and Teaching], classroom implementation of the CEFR, cyclical learning, and learning-oriented assessment. Language Learning in Higher Education, 3(2), 231-253. https://doi.org/10.1515/cercles-2013-0012

Nagai, N., & O’Dwyer, F. (2011). The actual and potential impacts of the CEFR on language education in Japan. Synergies Europe, 6, 141-152. https://gerflint.fr/Base/Europe6/noriko.pdf


Conference Contributions

O’Dwyer, F. (2019). Slit-t in Dublin English. In J. A. Villena Ponsoda, F. Díaz-Montesinos, A.-M. Ávila-Muñoz, & M. Vida-Castro (Eds.), Language Variation - European Perspectives VII. Selected papers from the Ninth International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 9), Malaga, June 2017 (pp. 159-174). John Benjamins Publishing Company. https://doi.org/10.1075/silv.22.10odw

Hunke, M., Imig, A., & O’Dwyer, F. (2018). The CEFR as an immigrant in the globalized world – Considerations from an Asian perspective. In A. Brandt, A. Buschmann-Göbels, & C. Harsch (Eds.), The CEFR and its Adaptation in the Higher Education Context: Proceedings of the 6th Bremen Symposium (pp. 88-103). Verein zur Förderung des AKS e.V.

O’Dwyer, F. (2016) Attribute Mining and Stance-taking in a Dublin Sports Club. Trinity College Working Papers in Linguistics: Proceedings of the 6th Sociolinguistics Summer School, pp. 104-114.

O’Dwyer, F. and De Boer, M. (2014, September 6) Approaches to assessment in CLIL classrooms. 13th International CercleS Conference, Fribourg, Switzerland.



Hosted online book launch/discussion: Sporting/Coaches language and impact on players and wellbeing, with Seamus Kelly (UCD), Derek O’Riordan (sportscotland) and Pat Daly (Gaelic Athletic Association). See https://fergusodwyer.wordpress.com/events/

Discussed language change on Drivetime, August 4th 2020, on national broadcaster Raidió Teilifís Éireann (RTÉ): https://www.rte.ie/radio/radioplayer/html5/#/radio1/11221265 [around 01:45:00]

My views on sport in Irish society featured in an article in the Westfälische Nachrichten newspaper (Münster, Germany), June 18th 2016.



2023: Integrating Action Research with the CEFR. Invited Presentation at the University of Bedfordshire Centre For Research In English Language Learning And Assessment [CRELLA] Annual Lecture, Luton Campus, 20th January. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kg2QVKB5mLo

2022: “A Discourse Analytical View of how Sport/GAA Club Members ‘Do’ Authority Through Language” Discourse Research Association of Ireland Summer Seminar Series, July 27th Available at: https://discourseresearch.ie/summer-seminar-series/2022-summer-seminar-series/recordings/

See also https://marino.academia.edu/FergusODwyer

Research/Professional Interests

Implementation of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

Learning-oriented Assessment (LOA)

Sociolinguistics, Sociopragmatics/Humour, Discourse Analysis, Irish English, Sports Studies,

 English for Academic Purposes

Professional activities

Editor of the CEFR Journal since 2020.


Reviewed for World Englishes Journal (2018), Springer Texts in Education (2019), TESOL Journal (2019), International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (2020), the English Profile Studies series (Cambridge University Press, 2020), Writing and Pedagogy (2021), Irish Studies Review (2022), and and English Language and Linguistics (2024).

Professional Activities

Member of - the Applied Linguistics in Sport Research Network within AILA (International Association of Applied Linguistics) - European Association for Language Testing and Assessment (EALTA), - Irish Association for Applied Linguistics (IRAAL), - All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE).


2016-2019: Project member of European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe-funded A quality assurance matrix for CEFR use (https://goo.gl/NvdgbR)

Founding member and former coordinator of the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and Language Portfolio" Special Interest Group/network within the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) in 2008.

Project title: Developing an integrated skills textbook based on the CEFR; facilitating autonomous learning and teaching Japanese Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research: 4,003,000 Yen (=€31,200). Output: strengthening of network; textbook published.

Host researcher for Judith Runnels (University of Bedfordshire), JSPS Summer Research Fellowship Programme 2014, project title: Conceptualization and Operationalization of the CEFR by English language teachers in a tertiary Japanese EFL context

Critical, constructive assessment CEFR-informed language teaching in Japan and beyond. Principal investigator (5 co-investigators): JSPS Grant: 4,420,000 Yen (=€34,300). Output: Edited volume published by Cambridge University Press, International Symposium with online resources for educators, solidification of teacher network.