Arts, Mathematics, PE, and Early Childhood Education
PhD (Arts) in Education
BA (Hons) Psychology
Programme | Module Code | Module Name | Role |
B.Sc. ECE | EC8102 | Dispositions and Play | Module Leader and lecturer |
B.Sc. ECE | EC8203 | Understanding Childhood in Context | Module Leader and lecturer |
B.Sc. ECE | EC8302 | Interactions and Relationships | Module Leader and lecturer |
B.Sc. ECE | EC8311 | Research Proposal | Module Leader and lecturer |
B.Sc. Ed. | ES8107 | Introduction to Educational Psychology | Lecturer |
PME | PM9108 | Psychology and Early Childhood Education | Lecturer |
Publications and other outputs
Journal Articles
O’Toole, C., & Dobutowitsch, M. (2023). The Courage to Care: Teacher Compassion Predicts More Positive Attitudes Toward Trauma-Informed Practice. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 16, 123-133.
Colbert, D., Dobutowitsch, M., Roche, B., & Brophy, C. (2017). The proxy-measurement of intelligence quotients using a relational skills abilities index. Learning and Individual Differences, 57, 114-122.
Dobutowitsch, M. (2019). All screen and no play? A mixed methods approach to screen time in middle childhood (Doctoral dissertation). National University of Ireland Maynooth.
Professional Journal Articles
Dobutowitsch, M. (2018). Parents’ attitudes and decision-making around screen time. Barnardos ChildLinks – Children in the Digital World, 3, 31-35.
Dobutowitsch, M. (2017). Determinants of children's socio-emotional wellbeing. Resilience and Social Support. Children's Research Digest, 4(1), 81-83.
Research Reports
O'Toole, C., & Dobutowitsch, M. (2022). Committed, Caring and Compassionate: Co. Kildare Workforce Wellbeing, Attitudes toward Trauma-informed Care, COVID concerns and Ongoing Training Needs. Kildare Children and Young People's Services Committees.
Conference Contributions
Dobutowitsch, M. (2023, June 15-17). One Size fits Nobody: Screen time rules and parental concerns. [Paper presentation]. International Froebel Society Conference, Maynooth University.
Dobutowitsch, M. (2020, September 5-8). Teachers’ wellbeing matters: Exploring quality of life, secondary traumatic stress and levels of self-compassion amongst teachers in Ireland. [Paper presentation]. Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Conference. Online, organised by DCU.
Dobutowitsch, M. (2019, March 9). All Screen and No Play? Screen time in middle childhood. Addiction Studies/Psychology Seminar Day: What’s Trending? A critical analysis of the digital self and addiction. [Paper presentation]. Maynooth University, Department of Adult and Community Education.
Dobutowitsch, M. (2018, December 6). ‘Kids Will Always Outsmart Us’. A qualitative study into parents’ decision-making around screen time. Determinants of Children’s Socio-Emotional Wellbeing: Insights from the Growing Up in Ireland Study. [Paper presentation]. Annual Children's Research Network for Ireland and Northern Ireland Conference, Dublin.
Dobutowitsch, M. (2016, December 6). Determinants of Children’s Socio-Emotional Wellbeing: Insights from the Growing Up in Ireland Study. [Paper presentation]. Annual Children's Research Network for Ireland and Northern Ireland Conference, Dublin.
Dobutowitsch, M. (2016, November 3). A Day in the Life of 9-Year-Olds: Exploring patterns in time-use data. [Paper presentation]. Growing Up in Ireland Annual Conference, Dublin.
Dobutowitsch, M. (2016, June 6-8). Indoors and Safe?: Exploring the pastime activities of 9-year-olds in Ireland. [Paper presentation]. Childhood Studies conference, Turku, Finland.
Dobutowitsch, M. (2015, December 3). Digital Childhoods: A cross-sectional and longitudinal investigation into technology use using Growing Up in Ireland data. [Paper presentation]. Growing Up in Ireland Annual Research Conference, Dublin.
Dobutowitsch, M. (2021, May 19). Reflections on… Outdoor Activities and Activation Energy. Museum of Childhood Ireland Education Team Blog.
Book Review Article
Dobutowitsch, M. (2022). Wellbeing and Schooling: Cross Cultural and Cross Disciplinary Perspectives (book review). Irish Educational Studies.
Research/Professional Interests
Contemporary childhoods, including play, screens, affordances, and learning. Mixed-methods research, trauma-informed practice.
PSI Trauma and Adversity SIG committee member
Museum of Childhood Ireland Education Team
Children’s Research Network