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Miriam Colum PhD



01 805 7751
St Mary's, Room 228


Inclusion, Religious Education and Student Life


Head of Department, Inclusion, Religious Education and Student Life

Senior Lecturer, Education

Programme Leader, Professional Master of Education (PME) (primary)  

Team Leader: Religious Education

Programme Coordinator, TOBAR

Chair, Hardship Fund Committee

Chair, Honorary Inclusion Special Interest Group (SIG) at Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI)

Convenor, MIE UDL Network

Editor, REACH : Journal of Inclusive Education in Ireland


Miriam Colum, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer in Education and Head of the Department of Inclusion, Religious Education and Student Life in Marino Institute of Education. Miriam is a former primary school teacher with experience in both mainstream and special school settings. Prior to joining MIE, Miriam was a lecturer in St. Angela’s college, Sligo, on the Postgraduate Diploma in Special Educational Needs (PGSEN). She also co-coordinated the nationwide level 7 course for Special Needs Assistants (SNAs) and was the module leader for the blended course on Autism Spectrum Disorders. Her current research interests are focused on inclusion; special educational; national and international special education policies; school leadership; distributed leadership; role of the Special Needs Co-Ordinator in primary schools; Diversity in teaching; Traveller education and Foucauldian theory.  She completed her PhD in 2023 at the University of Galway by conducting qualitative research on the importance of a distributed leadership approach to support the inclusion of children with emotional and behavioral difficulties in primary schools in Ireland.

Miriam sits on the Consultative forum of the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) and is the Editor of the REACH Journal of Inclusive Education in Ireland.


PhD. (UG) Education



HDIP. (primary) (MIE/TCD)

MPh. (TCD) History of European painting

Dip. (UCD / Academy of Journalism) Journalism

B.A. (NUI) English & History



Module Code

Module Name


B.Ed. 2


Inclusion and SEN 2

Module leader and lecturer

B.Ed. 4



Module leader and lecturer

B.Ed. 4


Research Dissertation






PME 1 / 2


Research Dissertation




Inclusive Education

Module leader and lecturer



Masters in Intercultural Learning and Leadership




Publications and other outputs


Book Chapters


Colum, M. and Albusaidi, S. (2024). A narrative inquiry of two doctorate students’ experiences in research dissemination and publication: a voice from the Global North and South. In Jones, E., Norlin, B., Rönnqvist, C. and Sullivan, K. (Eds) Internationalization of the Doctoral Experience: Models, Opportunities and Outcomes. (pp. 123 – 131). Routledge.

Burns, G. Colum, M. and O’Neill, J. (2023). ‘No one sees a Traveller at the top of the class’: Experiences of Irish Travellers Accessing Initial Teacher Education. In E. Keane, M. Heinz and R. Mc Daid (Eds) Diversifying the Teaching Profession: Dimensions, Dilemmas, and Directions for the Future. (pp. 155-165). Routledge.

Colum, M., & Brennan, A. (2022). Embedding diversification practice in Irish Teacher Education; supporting Irish Traveller student access and engagement in ITE. In Meletiadou, E. (Ed.), Promising Practices for Advancing Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education (pp. 171-187). IGI Global.

Uí Choistealbha, J., & Colum, M. (2022). You can’t be what you can’t see: How the Irish education system is supporting Irish Travellers to participate in programmes of initial teacher education. In Boivin, J. (Ed.) & Pacheco-Guffrey, H. (Ed.), Education as the Driving Force of Equality for the Marginalized (pp. 113-138). IGI Global.


Journal Articles


Collins, A & Colum, M. (2024) The Role of The Occupational Therapist For Primary School Children: Consideration of Collaborative Practices with Primary School Children. REACH : Journal of Inclusive Education in Ireland.  37(1) 8 -22.

Colum, M. & Mac Ruairc, G. (2023). ‘No-one knows where we fit in really’: The role of the Special Needs Coordinator in primary schools in Ireland. Irish Educational Studies. 1-18.

Lynch, A., Haals-Brosnan, M., McCauley-Lambe, S., Colum, M., Farrelly, M., Horn, C., Mc Daid, R., Minnock, M., Ní Dhuinn, M. & Ó Laighin, F. (2023). Placement during a pandemic? Exploring the experiences & perspectives of students completing educational placement during the COVID-19 pandemic. All Ireland Journal of Higher Education, 15(2).

McCann, D., & Colum, M. (2022). Listen to Me: Hearing Children’s Perceptions and Attitudes towards Irish Sign Language (ISL) and the Deaf Community. LEARN Journal of the Irish Learning Support Association, 43, 69-94.

Colum, M., & Collins, A. M. (2021). Conversations on Covid-19: a viewpoint on care, connections, and culture during the pandemic from a teacher educator and an Irish Traveller. Irish Educational Studies, 40(2), 87-98. 10.1080/03323315.2021.1916560

O’Reilly, E., & Colum, M. (2021). Newly Qualified Teachers and Inclusion in Higher Education: Policy, Practice, and Preparation. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Leadership Studies, 2(1), 64-78. https://dx.doi.org/10.29252/johepal.2.1.64

Colum, M. (2020). The inclusion of learners with moderate general learning disabilities and challenging behaviours in school and class activities in special schools. REACH Journal of Special Needs Education in Ireland, 33(2), 83-100. https://reachjournal.ie/index.php/reach/article/download/2/4

Colum, M. (2020). This is My Story:  Employing the Language Experience Approach to unlock literacy in diverse classrooms. Conference Proceedings: Literacy without Borders: Engaging Literacy Learners in Diverse Settings Proceedings of the 2018 and 2019 Annual Conferences of the Literacy Association of Ireland. 97-115.

Colum, M., & McIntyre, K. (2019). Exploring social inclusion as a factor for the academic achievement of students presenting with special educational needs (SEN) in schools: A literature review. REACH Journal of Special Needs Education in Ireland, 32(1), 83-100. https://www.reachjournal.ie/index.php/reach/article/view/14/14




Colum, M. (2023). The Sovereign and the Obedient: School Leadership and the Inclusion of Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties in Mainstream Primary Schools in Ireland. [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of Galway.


Professional Journal Articles


Colum, M. and Lowe, R. (2022). Enhancing reading motivation for learners with dyslexia. LAI Literacy News, autumn 2022.

Colum, M. (2020). Developing Literacy skills for children with Down syndrome through the ‘See and Learn’ Programme. LAI Literacy News, autumn 2020.

Colum, M. (2019). Supporting learners with learning difficulties in schools: A practical approach for literacy development. LAI Literacy News, Autumn 2019.

Colum, M. and McIntyre, K. (2018). The Language Experience Approach (LEA) to support literacy development. LAI Literacy News, Autumn 2018.


Research Reports

Kiely, J., Haals Brosnan, M., Colum, M., Uí Chianáin, A. & Dunne, C.M. (2024). Child’s Voice: Consulting with children as part of the redevelopment of the Primary School Curriculum. Final Report December 2024. National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA). https://ncca.ie/media/2dyboryp/consultation_with_children_report.pdf

Boyle, K., Hallissy, M., Colum, M. and Hurley, J. (2024).   Traveller and Roma Education in Ireland: Public consultation online survey report.  Department of Education and H2 Learning.

O’Sullivan, J., Deignan, N., Murphy, G., Colum, M., Mac Ruairc, G. and Sugrue, C. (2024). Report on Leadership of Primary and Post Primary Schools in Ireland. Pp. 1-39. World School Leadership Study (WSLS). Education Management.

Kiely, J., Haals Brosnan, M., Ui Chianain, A., Colum, M., and Dunne, C. (2023). Report on the Consultation with Children on the Draft Primary Curriculum. NCCA.

O Halloran, A., Jennings, F. and Colum, M. (2018). Music for Leisure and Adolescents with Down Syndrome. Report of Research on adolescents with Down Syndrome and music. CSENID.


Conference Contributions


Colum, M. and Niland, T. (2024, January 10). ‘No One Asked Me What I Want to Be When I Grow Up’: Narratives from Irish Traveller Student Teachers on The TOBAR Programme at Marino Institute of Education. [Poster presentation]. ICSEI (International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement) conference, MIE and Trinity College Dublin.

Colum, M. (2023, March 14). TOBAR: An innovative initiative for widening participation in Higher Education for Irish Traveller students.  Belfast City Hall.

Colum, M. (2023, March 9). TOBAR: Past, Present and Future. Oriel House, Dublin.

Colum, M. (2023, March 9). Supporting Inclusion and Diversity in Teaching: A Practical Toolkit for Teachers. Oriel House, Dublin.

Ui Chianain, A., Haals-Brosnan, M., McCauley-Lambe, S., Colum, M., Farrelly, M., Horn, C., McDaid, R., Ni Dhuinn, M., & O'Laighin, F. (2022, April 7-8). Placement in a Pandemic: Exploring the Impact of Covid-19 on Students' Experience of Educational Placement. [Paper presentation]. ESAI Annual Conference 2022, Marino Institute of Education, Dublin.

Kiely, J., Haals Brosnan, M., Uí Chianáin, A., Dunne, C. & Colum, M. (2022, April 7-8). Consulting with children on the draft primary curriculum: Methodological approach. [Paper presentation]. Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) conference, Dublin.

Colum, M. (2021, April 20). Dividing Practices: Challenges Faced by School Leaders for the Inclusion of Learners Presenting with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. [Paper presentation]. School of Education, Postgraduate Research Seminar, NUIG.

Colum, M. (2020). This is My Story: Employing the Language Experience Approach to unlock literacy in diverse classrooms. In Literacy without Borders: Engaging Literacy Learners in Diverse Settings Proceedings of the 2018 and 2019 Annual Conferences of the Literacy Association of Ireland (pp. 97-115).

Colum, M. and Lynch, A. (2020, September). Opening ITE: the first-year experiences of underrepresented students in initial teacher education. [Paper presentation]. Educational Studies Association of Ireland conference.

Colum, M., Haals Brosnan, M. and Fox, S. (2020, January 16) An exploration of quality education for Traveller children: Experiences from pre-school to primary school and beyond. [Paper presentation]. THRIECE International Conference, Carlow.

Colum, M. (2019, November 14). An exploration of Travellers accessing ITE. [Paper presentation]. Research Symposium, Galway: Ireland.

Colum, M. (2019, April 10). Leadership and Special educational Needs: What the literature tells us. [Paper presentation]. School of Education, Postgraduate Research Seminar, NUIG.

Colum, M. and Mc Intyre, K. (2018, November). Language experience approach [Paper presentation]. Literacy Association of Ireland (LAI) Annual Conference, Marino Institute of Education, Dublin.

Colum, M. (2018, April 11). Construction Through Discourse: An exploration of ‘locating’ learners with Special Education Needs (SEN) in ‘suitable’ settings, based on social, historical and political conditional categorisations. [Paper presentation]. School of Education. Postgraduate Research Seminar, NUIG. 2018.

Colum, M. and Mc Intyre, K. (2017, November 18). Overview of Planning for Pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN). Presentation for IATSE. Mayo Education Centre.




Colum, M. and Lynch, A. (2022) Differentiation in the Classroom. Webinar series MIE partnership with Tralee education centre, online.

Colum, M. and Lowe, R. (2021, March). Discussions on Dyslexia 2: Approaches to supporting the dyslexic child. Webinar series MIE partnership with Tralee education centre, online.

Colum, M. and Lowe, R. (2021, March). Discussions on Dyslexia 1: What is dyslexia?. Webinar series MIE partnership with Tralee education centre, online.


Other Outputs


Colum, M. (2022). Using NVIVO for qualitative data analysis. Postgraduate Research Series, NUI Galway, May 2022.

Colum, M. (2019, October 2). PATH 1 Case Study – presentation from Marino Institute on the ‘TOBAR’ Project. Invited presentation to the HEA, Department of education and Skills: Dublin 1.


Educational Handbooks


Colum, M., Haals Brosnan, M., and Mullally, A., Browne, S. and O'Toole, B. (2020) Supporting Inclusion and Diversity in Teaching (SIDiT) Handbook and Lesson Scenarios for Teachers. Erasmus / MIE Dublin.


Research/Professional Interests

inclusion; special educational; national and international special education policies; school leadership; distributed leadership; role of the Special Needs Co-Ordinator in primary schools; Diversity in teaching; Traveller education, and Foucauldian theory.


  • Literacy Association Newsletter (2018 –2021)
  • Inclusive Education Special Interest Group Newsletter
  • Marino Matters 

Professional Activities

  • Principal Investigator: Support Inclusion and Diversity in Teaching (SIDiT)
  • Principal Investigator: TOBAR 

Funded Research and Projects

Project titleFunding bodyDatesAward
TOBAR (Phase 2) (PI)Higher Education Authority2021-2024

I Can Teach / (TOBAR , phase 1) Higher Education Authority2018-2021


Supporting Inclusion and Diversity in Teaching (PI)Erasmus+2020-2023


Child's Voice: Consultation with children on the draft primary curriculumNational Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA)2021-2022


Music for leisure and Adolescents with Down syndrome: Including adolescents with down syndrome in Music Generation Sligo programmes Music Generation Sligo (MGS) and St Angela’s College Centre for Special Educational Needs, Inclusion & Diversity (CSENID)2017


2022: AHEAD UDL Badge

2021: Teaching Hero Award. National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and the Union of Students in Ireland.



Internal committees


  • Marino Institute of Education Governing Body (Academic Staff representative)
  • Marino Matters (Editor)
  • Hardship Student Support Fund (Chair)
  • MIE UDL Network (Convenor)
  • TOBAR management committee (Phase two 2021 – 2024)
  • TOBAR Committee (Phase one 2018 – 2021)
  • Coiste na Gaeilge
  • I.T. Champion for Department of Inclusion, RE and Student life
  • Data Champion for Department of Inclusion, RE and Student life
  • Student Staff Liaison committee
  • Meitheal
  • Chaplaincy Team
  • MIE Safeguarding committee (2020 –2022)
  • STER Committee (2020 /2021)


External committees

  • National Council for Special Education (NCSE) Consultative Forum
  • Inclusion Special Interest Group (SIG) at Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI)
    • Newsletter Editor (2020 - 2023)
    • Chair (2023 - present)
  • Teacher Diversity Special Interest Group (SIG) at Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI)
  • REACH: Journal of Inclusive Education in Ireland, editorial board (2019 - 2023);
    • Editor (2023 - present)
  • Literacy Association of Ireland (LAI) Executive committee
    • Literacy News Editor (2018 - 2022)
    • Treasurer (2023 - present)
  • Children and Young People’s Services Committees (CYPSC)
  • Young Ballymun
    • Young Ballymun Research Group subcommittee
  • The National Initial Teacher Education Diversity Network
  • PATH 3 Evaluation committee
  • National PATH Steering committee
  • Exchange House Ireland National Traveller Service (EHINTS)
    • Finance subcommittee
    • Academic Quality Assurance subcommittee (2020 – 2023)