Registrar & Academic Affairs Department
Registrar and Vice President (Academic Affairs)
Seán Delaney has been a teacher educator in Marino Institute of Education in Dublin since 1999. He is Registrar and Vice President (Academic Affairs). His teacher education and research activities are informed by his primary teaching experience which spanned eleven years; during that time he taught all primary class levels and spent one year as principal of a nine-teacher school in Kilkenny City. He was a member of the English (primary) sub-committee of the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. In 1998 he was named the Fulbright-Ireland Boyer Scholar in Education and he studied at Harvard University where he was awarded a Master’s Degree in Education. In 2008 he received his PhD in Teaching and Teacher Education from the University of Michigan. His dissertation, entitled “Adapting and Using U.S. Measures to Study Irish Teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching,” was supervised by Professor Deborah Ball. He subsequently authored a report for the Irish Department of Education and Science on “Irish Primary Teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching.” His research interests are in the practice of teaching, teacher education, mathematics education, teacher knowledge, and comparing professional knowledge across countries.
Ph.D. (University of Michigan)
M.Sc. (NUI)
M.Ed. (Harvard University)
Dip. Curriculum Studies and Dip. Educational Management (University of Dublin)
B.Ed. (NUI)
Programme | Module Code | Module Name | Role |
B.Ed. | ED8308 | Teaching and Learning 2 (Approximations of Practice) | Module leader |
MES (Primary Mathematics) | MA9101 | Understanding Primary Mathematics Education | Module leader and lecturer |
MES (Primary Mathematics) | MA9105 | Differentiation and Challenge in Primary Mathematics | Module leader and lecturer |
Publications and other outputs
Delaney, S. (2017). Become the Primary Teacher Everyone Wants to Have: A Guide to Career Success. Routledge.
Book Chapters
Charalambous, C. Y., Agathangelou, S., Delaney, S., & Papadouris, N. (2023). Engaging all students in challenging work: Working at the intersection of cognitively challenging tasks and differentiation during lesson planning and enactment. In J. Cai, G. J. Stylianides, & P. A. Kenney (Eds.), On the learning and teaching of mathematics: Research studies in honor of Edward A. Silver. Springer.
Charalambous, C. Y., & Delaney, S. (2019). Mathematics teaching practices and practice-based pedagogies: A critical review of the literature since 2000. In D. Potari (Ed.), Handbook in Mathematics Teacher Education, Volume 1: Teacher knowledge, beliefs and identity in mathematics teaching and its development. Sense Publishers.
Stylianides, A., & Delaney, S. (2018). Pre-service Mathematics Teachers’ Knowledge and Beliefs. In G. Stylianides & K. Hino (Eds.), Research Advances in the Mathematical Education of Pre-service Teachers: An international perspective, ICME-13 Monographs. Springer International Publishing.
Stylianides, A., & Delaney, S. (2011). The Cultural Dimension of Teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge. In T. Rowland & T. Ruthven (Eds.), Mathematical Knowledge in Teaching. Springer International Publishing.
Journal Articles
Blömeke, S., & Delaney, S. (2012). Assessment of teacher knowledge across countries: A review of the state of research. ZDM, 44(3), 223-247.
Delaney, S. (2012). A validation study of the use of mathematical knowledge for teaching measures in Ireland. ZDM, 44 (3), 427-441.
Charalambous, C. Y., Delaney, S., Hsu, H.-Y., & Mesa, V. (2010). A comparative analysis of the addition and subtraction of fractions in textbooks from three countries. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 12(2), 117-151.
Delaney, S., Ball, D. L., Hill, H. C., Hill, S. G., Schilling, S., & Zopf, D. (2008). "Mathematical knowledge for teaching": Adapting U.S. measures for use in Ireland. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 11, 171-197.
Educational Resources
Delaney, S. (2012). Led the development of a replacement unit pupils' book for teaching the topic area to fifth class pupils and an annotated pupils' book for teachers, with members of the Professional Development Service for Teachers.
Professional Journal Articles
Delaney, S. (2021). Learning from boxing: Teachers as spontaneous strategists. Leadership+, Journal of the Irish Primary Principals’ Network, Issue 120, December 2021.
Delaney, S. (2018). Turn on, tune in, learn: Education Podcasts and Professional Development. Leadership+, Journal of the Irish Primary Principals’ Network, Issue 104, May 2018.
Fitzpatrick, S., Delaney, S., & Forster, A. (2013). Great Teachers: Born or Taught? Intouch, Issue 133, Jan/February 2013.
Delaney, S. (2012). Maths teaching in your school: Questions to clarify and change practice. Leadership+, Journal of the Irish Primary Principals' Network, Issue 70, September 2012.
Delaney, S. (2010). The absent voice of teachers. Intouch, Issue 114, October 2010.
Delaney, S. (2008). Knowledge for practice: The mathematical demands of primary teaching. Intouch, Issue 98, November 2008.
Delaney, S. (2008). Unacknowledged expertise: Irish teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching. Intouch, Issue 97, October 2008.
Delaney, S. (2003) Different ways to calculate, Intouch, Issue 46, January/February 2003.
Research Reports
Delaney, S. (2020). Number in the senior primary classes: Commissioned research paper. National Council for Curriculum and Assessment.
Delaney, S. (2010). Knowing What Counts: Irish Teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching. Marino Institute of Education and the Department of Education and Science.
Conference Contributions
ESAI (2019, April 5) Education in times of change, choice and challenge: Perspectives from Ireland. AERA Annual Meeting. Toronto, Canada. [Discussant]. Invited speaker session for the Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI).
Delaney, S., Burke, D., Gurhy, A.M., Prendergast, M. (2018, April 5-7). Teachers’ needs and challenges with differentiation and cognitive demand in mathematics. [Paper presentation]. Educational Studies Association of Ireland annual conference, University College Dublin, Ireland.
Delaney, S. (2017, March) Effective Learning in Numeracy workshop [Workshop presentation]. Ollchomdháil na Cigireachta (Annual Conference of the Inspectorate) 2017, Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone, Ireland.
Jakobsen, Arne et al. (2013, August 26-31). Studying practice and developing practice-based studies symposium. [Discussant for papers in Forum]. 15th Biennial EARLI Conference, Munich, Germany.
Delaney, S. (2009 - present). Inside Education [Audio podcast].
Other outputs
WERA (2019). Developing a Framework to Analyse Differentiated Instruction in Mathematics from Two Contrasting Cultural Perspectives. World Educational Research Association (WERA) Focal Meeting, 8 August 2019, Tokyo, Japan.
Delaney, S. (2018, April). Using arrays to help children move from additive to multiplicative thinking. AERA Annual Meeting, New York.
Delaney, S. (2017, February). Children’s Performance on a Mathematics Task They Were Not Taught to Solve: A Case Study. CERME 10 Meeting, Croke Park, Dublin.
Delaney, S., Ó Breacháin, A., Macken, S. (2015, April 20). Assessing student primary teachers’ use of high leverage practices at scale, AERA annual meeting, Chicago, IL.
Delaney, S., Ó Breacháin, A., Bacon, K., O'Toole, B., and Macken, S. (2014, April 6). Innovation in practice: Designing, implementing and evaluating a course on approximations of practice, AERA annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Research/Professional Interests
Teacher knowledge; practice of teaching; mathematics education; professional education.
1998 Named Fulbright-Ireland Boyer Scholar in Education (US$10,000)
2008 Awarded a Rackham One-term dissertation fellowship by the University of Michigan for the winter semester.