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Suzy Macken PhD

Suzy MackenWebsite Profile_2016_resized


01 853 5140
St Mary's, Room 24


Department of Arts, Maths, Physical Education and Eary Childhood Education


Lecturer in Education


BA(QTS) Primary, St. Mary's University College, Strawberry Hill, London

In-service Diploma in Physical Education, St. Patrick's College Drumcondra (DCU)

Master’s in Education Physical Education, St. Patrick's College Drumcondra (DCU)

PhD - University of Limerick



Module Name


B.Ed. 1

Physical Education

Module leader and lecturer

B.Ed. 2

Physical Education

Module leader and lecturer

B.Sc. Ed studies

Education and Sport



Developing children’s movement skills though activity and play

Module Leader and lecturer


Physical Education

Module Leader and lecturer


Integrated Arts


Publications and other outputs


Book Chapters


MacPhail, A. & Macken, S. (2019). Physical Education and Teacher Education in Ireland. In MacPhail, A.M., Avsar, Z. and Tannehill, D. (Eds.), European Physical Education Teacher Education Practices, Meyer & Meyer.

Macken, S. & O'Leary, M. (2010). Assessment for Learning in Irish Primary School Physical Education. In Enright, E and Tindall, T. (Eds.), A Shared Vision for Physical Education, Physical Activity and Youth Sport (pp.62-67).University of Limerick.


Journal Articles


Macken, S., MacPhail, A. & Calderón, A. (2023). The lived experience of a primary physical education teacher educator engaging in action research: cycling into change. Irish Educational Studies. 10.1080/03323315.2023.2260789

Macken, S., MacPhail, A. and Calderon, A. (2020). Exploring primary pre-service teachers’ use of ‘assessment for learning’ while teaching primary physical education during school placement. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 25(5), 539-554.


Conference Contributions


Macken, S., MacPhail, A. & Calderón, A. (2024, May 13-17). The lived experience of a primary physical education teacher educator engaging in action research: cycling into change. [Paper presentation]. The 2024 AIESEP International Conference “Past meets the Future”, The University of Jyvaskyla, Finland.

Macken, S., Courtney, O & Murphy, B. (2024, May 13-17). Children's perspectives on the use of an Integrated Teaching Model in Mathematics and Physical Education in the Primary School. [Paper presentation]. The 2024 AIESEP International Conference “Past meets the Future”, The University of Jyvaskyla, Finland.

Walsh, C., Macken, S., Scanlon, D. & Iannucci, C. (2024, May 13-17). The lived experiences of four doctoral students' transitioning in their researcher identity as members of a learning community. [Paper presentation]. The 2024 AIESEP International Conference “Past meets the Future”, The University of Jyvaskyla, Finland.

Macken, S. (2023, March 30-April 1). Value Orientations of Teacher Educators in Physical Education. [Paper presentation]. ESAI Conference, Belfast.

Macken, S. (2022, August 29-31). Me, Myself and I; A Teacher Educator’s Experiences of delivering online primary physical  education programmes to pre-service teachers during Covid-19. [Paper presentation]. ATEE Conference Riga, Latvia.

Macken, S. (2022, June 15-18). Value Orientations of Teacher Educators in Physical Education. [Virtual presentation]. AIESEP 2022 World Congress, Gold Coast, Australia.

Macken, S. (2020, September 3-5). Cycling into change: exposing the messiness of action research. [Paper presentation]. ESAI Conference, Dublin.

Macken, S. (2019). Enacting assessment for learning in primary physical education in Ireland. [Paper presentation]. AARE Conference, Brisbane.

Macken, S. (2019). Cycling into change: exposing the messiness of action research. [Paper presentation]. AARE Conference, Brisbane.

Macken, S. (2018, July 25-28). The experiences of primary pre-service teachers enacting ‘assessment for learning’ in the teaching of physical education on school placement. AIESEP, Edinburgh.

Macken, S. (2017, September 4-7). The experiences of primary pre-service teachers enacting ‘assessment for learning’ in the teaching of physical education on school placement. [Paper presentation]. BERA conference University of Sussex.

Macken, S. (2016, September 13-15). A longitudinal action research approach to pre-service teachers enactment of AfL in primary physical education while on school placement. [Paper presentation]. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Conference, Leeds.

Macken, S. (2016, March 31-April 2). A longitudinal action research approach to pre-service teachers enactment of AfL in primary physical education while on school placement. [Paper presentation]. Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI), Galway, Ireland.

Delaney, S., Ó Breacháin, A., Macken, S. (2015, April 20). Assessing student primary teachers’ use of high leverage practices at scale. AERA annual meeting, Chicago, IL.

Delaney, S., Ó Breacháin, A., Bacon, K., O'Toole, B., and Macken, S. (2014, April 6). Innovation in practice: Designing, implementing and evaluating a course on approximations of practice. [Paper presentation]. AERA annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA.


Other Outputs


Macken, S. (2010). Presentation PEPAYS Forum 2010. Assessment for learning in Irish Primary Physical Education. University of Limerick

Research/Professional Interests

primary physical education, assessment for learning, pre-service teachers, values orientations, learning communities, cognitive apprenticeship