Stiúideo Cuan 13th-16th of November
Stiúideo Cuan is a flagship venue, recording studio & creative centre for the traditional and contemporary arts in An Spidéal, Conamara. Their mission is to deliver high quality artistic content to develop sustainable interactions with professional artists, creative industries, audiences and funding agencies. Colm is currently composer in residence and putting the finishing touches on his new work An Uile Bhealach Abhaile/All the Ways Home, which will receive its world premiere on 13th to the 16th of November 2024.
Baboró Galway & Creating Space Project 11th – 20th of October
Baboró International Arts Festival for Children takes place this 11th to 20th of October in Galway. Creating Space is a collaborative arts-in-education project between Baboró, Merlin Woods Primary School, and artist Colm Ó Foghlú. The project follows the same children from the start of 1st class in September 2023 until they finish 2nd class in June 2024. Artist Colm Ó Foghlú will work with the children on creative activities in the classroom. The goal at the heart of Creating Space is to help the students develop their social and emotional skills through consistent engagement with the arts. The project will encourage the children to feel confident attending arts and cultural events in the city, through visits to the Baboró festival in October and other performances throughout the year.
In the run up to Culture night….
Student-Led Studio Sessions Thursday 12th of September
Student Union Arts Officer, Student Union president and representatives will host bespoke workshops in the Art Studio as part of orientation week. Keep an eye on their Social media pages for more details.