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Bachelor of Science (Education Studies) Year 4 Module Listings

Module Code:ES8405ECTS Credits:20


This module is designed to extend the learning from Research Methods 1 (year three) and to support students to prepare and submit a substantial piece of independent research relevant to education studies. The module will provide a deeper understanding of the research methodologies most commonly employed by researchers in the field of education, in order to prepare students for the completion of a research dissertation. Quantitative, Qualitative and Mixed Method approaches will be explored. Central to this module will be the application of these research paradigms to the final year mandatory research project, which all students will undertake. Students will be introduced to other key elements required for the successful preparation of the dissertation including reviewing literature, gathering and managing data, critically analysing data, preparing conclusions and recommendations and writing to a scholarly standard. The topic of the dissertation must link to and build on an aspect of the coursework completed so far, i.e. core modules, specialisation module, work placement.

Module Code:ES8404ECTS Credits:5


The literature on work integrated learning (WIL) is clear in identifying the need for programmes of learning to integrate assessment with the needs and viewpoints of the relevant stakeholders i.e. the students, the educational institution and the employers. It can be an excellent method of providing opportunities for extending the learning (theoretical) commenced by students at the educational institution into the learning environment of the workplace. Definitions of work-based learning include

1 learning for work,

2 learning at work,

3 learning from work.' (Seagraves et al 1996)

Consequently, students must demonstrate their understanding of the culture of the workplace, the norms of workplace practice and the skills and competencies which will enable them to be innovators and effective team members. These include both the hard skills or technical competencies and the soft skills such as the application of theory to practice (Dunn et al. 2012)

The focus of this module therefore is the application of the theoretical frameworks in terms of the overall learning of the modules completed in the previous part of the course and skills and competencies that are vital for effective and efficient working in the environment of the workplace.

The module will focus on the personal skills necessary for creativity and innovation.

Module Code:ES8406ECTS Credits:5


This module has a practical focus and is intended to prepare students for the upcoming 8 week internship by giving some background on organisation design, how organisations work, what to expect from an employer and what the employer may expect from you. The module will also provide opportunities for students to plan the scope of what they wish to achieve during the internship and what they want to learn about the world of work and about themselves through this work experience.

Module Code:ES8402ECTS Credits:20


The Internship module is a continuation of the work completed by students in the Professional Studies module. This module focuses in particular on learning from work as described by Seagraves et al (1996).

Central to the spirit of the programme in Educational Studies is an impetus towards providing students with the necessary practical skills to work productively within a variety of educational settings. This module is designed to offer students an opportunity to experience on an extended basis a workplace environment selected by them based on criteria provided by the College. Students will undertake their internships within organisations or bodies which will introduce them to the applied, concrete competencies necessary, while at the same time, affording them an opportunity to network and interface with established professionals in the field. It is intended that students will be encouraged to apply the theoretical concepts and skills acquired during lectures and workshops over the course of their internship. At all times, students will be supported in playing an active and productive part on the team to which they have been assigned. Students will be encouraged to become “reflective practitioners” during the placement. The internship will also provide them with an opportunity to develop increased self-confidence and to focus on their development of five generic workplace competencies that will assist them in becoming work-ready following completion of the course. To support them in doing this, students will be required to compile a professional portfolio which will detail their synthesis, evaluation and critical analysis of the internship experience.

Module Code:ES8408ECTS Credits:5


This module sets out to give students a framework of skills to examine the relationship between education and society and between pedagogical approaches and learning outcomes in various countries and geographical regions. Similarities and difference are explored in relation to international standards and norms. It draws on previous skills and understandings from both the sociology and philosophy of education.

Technology for Teaching and Learning

Module Code:ES8409ECTS Credits:5


The course will enable students to understand the theory and practice which supports the use of technology in a wide variety of educational settings. Through exploring and utilising new and emerging learning technologies, students will be enabled to develop their own transferable skills (such as organisation, communication, and technological literacies) which can be applied in other personal and professional contexts