Module Code: | ES8209 | ECTS Credits: | 5 |
This module offers an exploration of the area of Educational Disadvantage. ‘Under-achievement in school can have profound consequences for children and adults in later life, not only in terms of economic uncertainty, but also in terms of well-being, health, self-esteem and participation in family and community life’ (DEIS, DES, 2005). For these reasons, equal access to education is vital for all members of society. A clear and strong relationship has been established in literature between socio-economic disadvantage and poorer educational outcomes (Loftus, 2017). The module will offer an overview of these relationships from a sociological perspective and examine various ntervention programmes aimed at attempting to tackle disadvantage in educational settings, with a particular focus on access to Higher Education.
Practical mentoring in the community (e.g. as envisaged by PATH 3 of the Programme for Access to Higher Education or the Trinity Access Programme – TAP) will form a core element of the module. The mentoring is envisaged to increase access to higher education by traditionally disadvantaged groups. As part of the mentoring programme students will undertake visits to settings such as local DEIS schools, Further Education colleges or community/adult education centres throughout the year.
Students will receive training prior to the visits and will be provided with the resources they need. Support will be provided throughout the module and through their participation students will gain a unique insight into the issues surrounding access to higher education for groups who have traditionally been under-represented at third level.