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Laptop Lending Scheme - applications closed

Unfortunately all our current laptops are out on loan at present. Please check this page again in the future for more details.

In 2020, as part of the package of COVID-19 supports for higher and further education institutions the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science has introduced a once-off COVID-19 grant to support disadvantaged students in the higher education sector in accessing ICT devices. This grant was used by Marino Institute of Education to purchase laptops and students may apply to borrow one of these laptops to support their studies. Please note that there is no guarantee that a student will be successful in receiving the loan even if the student meets the criteria.  

Full-time and part-time students (both undergraduate and postgraduate) are eligible to apply under this scheme. The Grant covers both incoming first year students and returning students.  International, non-EU fee-paying students would not be considered eligible for support under this scheme. 

Priority will be given to the categories listed below. However, should laptops remain available for lending when all such applicants have been considered, then other students will be considered for the scheme (e.g. students whose family financial circumstances have changed as a result of the Pandemic).

Should you require any further information or have any questions please email your query to Simon Yeates at [email protected]

To be eligible for this scheme students must be

  • in receipt of a SUSI grant or a means-tested Social welfare payment.  

  • and priority will be given to students of target groups identified under the National Plan for Equity of Access to Higher education 2015-2021 listed below

    • Students disadvantaged by socio-economic barriers

    • First-time mature students

    • Students with disabilities

    • Part-time/flexible learning students

    • Students who hold further education qualifications

    • Students who are members of the Traveller and Roma communities.

    • Student who are lone parents

    • Students who are members of ethnic minorities

Should you have any questions please contact the Access Officer (T) 01 805 7752 or (E) [email protected]