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Séiplíneacht agus Tacaíocht Phearsanta
Ceann de na róil atá ag an tSéiplíneacht in Institiúid Oideachais Marino ná cur le Córas na dTeagascóirí chun tacaíocht a thabhairt do mhic léinn ag am an bháis agus ag am an tinnis (go háirithe nuair atá mic léinn san ospidéal). Déanaimid iarracht cárta a chur chuig mic léinn ag na hamanna sin agus déanaimid ár ndícheall freastal ar shochraidí (tuismitheoirí, siblíní agus céilí na mac léinn, de ghnáth). Is é an Teagascóir Pearsanta an chéad teagmháil i gcónaí ach uaireanta bíonn an tacaíocht a ofrálann an tSéiplíneacht ag teastáil ó mhic léinn. Sa chás sin, is féidir teagmháil a dhéanamh leis an Dr Marie Whelton ag (01) 8535158 nó trí ríomhphost a chur chuig [email protected].  

An Liotúirge
Eagraíonn Foireann an Oideachais Reiligiúnaigh liotúirgí éagsúla i rith na bliana acadúla agus cruthaítear spás don urnaí, don mhachnamh agus don fhorbairt phearsanta – fógraítear na liotúirgí sin trí ríomhphost agus bíonn fáilte roimh chách ag na liotúirgí sin i gcónaí.


Chaplaincy and Personal Support
One of the roles of Chaplaincy in Marino Institute of Education is to complement the Tutor System and to provide support for students at times of bereavement and at times of illness (especially at times of hospitalisation). We try to send a card to students at those times and we do our best to attend funerals (parents, siblings and life-partners of students usually). Personal Tutors are always the first port-of-call, but sometimes students need the additional support that Chaplaincy offers. Please feel free to contact Dr Marie Whelton, at any time, at (01) 8535158 or by email at [email protected].

The Religious Education Team organises different liturgies throughout the academic year, creating a space for prayer, reflection, and personal transformation – liturgies are advertised through email and all are welcome to attend.